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GpgOL: deactivation of S/MIME does not affect previously sent mails
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Steps to reproduce: send a s/mime encrypted mail and after that disable s/mime in the GpgOL settings.
Click on and decrypt the s/mime mail in the sent folder. Change to another mail. Change to the s/mime mail again.
-> mail is decrypted

Expected: message that the mail can not be decrypted.

aheinecke says cause is 91c86d7cd53a190fa73f1b62372d74e331887a1c


VSD 3.1.24

Event Timeline

aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I would give this low priority as we default to "S/MIME disabled" and this issue is no longer that relevant. But as it is a regression and I am pretty sure I know why it happens -> Normal.


no, SMIME was not activated, the error still appeared and only when the GPG plugin was completely deactivated could Outlook read SMIME properly

In that case could you please attach a basic log from selecting an S/MIME Mail with S/MIME disabled? Activatable under GpgOL options / logging

Could it be that someone else in your company viewed the Mail with S/MIME in GpgOL enabled before you viewed it? E.g. in a shared folder?

Here is the Log-File.
No, this mails in private-folder and not shared.
We have reproduced this issue on some W10 and W11 Systems with last build from Outlook