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Problems with certificate colors / styles
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  • The order of the items in the list in Settings > Appearance > Certificate Categories appears random. It's different after changing a value (looking at the code, it's probably the order the items are stored in by KConfig
  • The order of the items does not correspond to the precedence order of the coloring mechanism
  • The precedence order is not apparent, or configurable
  • When not in compliance mode, VSD filters are not considered by the model, but shown in the configuration
  • "Default Appearance" button removes icon in "preview", but not in key list and config
  • Font selection dialog lets the user choose a font size, which is then not respected - can we disable selecting the font size?
  • Consider removing Italic, Bold, Strikeout checkboxes, since those can also be selected through the font (or disable these in the font selection?)
  • In VSD, "Default Appearance" removes the color for NfD filters entirely instead of resetting it to green/red for conformant/nonconformant

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aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Yes, this is all something that is ugly. The VS-NfD colorization was done by justus winter back then since I fell sick and it was one of his first and only tasks in Kleopatra. So it is normal I think if that is implemented differently then other things. And in general the whole appearence configuration is I think rarely used. To me it always felt like a "We add it because we can." feature. But also with this mix of filters defined in a preinstalled libkleopatrarc and additionally hardcoded filters it is all strange.
Well colors and so on should be changeable for accessibility of course.

The problem is of course that with all such things, there might be regressions, some users might face problems with their existing filters, etc. So maybe some simple changes without regression risk, like ordering and so on and not much more? I can see it on the horizon that this is one of these "oh let us just improve that task" and in the end we sink in a ton of time and problems. ( dark mode,... )

The high-contrast modes disable all colors, but for normal dark modes we might have a problem with some of the predefined colors.

Regarding font selection: Remove it. It's sufficient that people can set colors, italic, bold, etc.

From the support angle, the worst of these issues is that the default will not be restored for VS-NfD. But then: nobody has inquired about that yet…

We might also consider going all out and allowing a configurable appearance on a per certificate level. Then this feature would see an increase in use for sure. But it should work without issues, in that case, as then people will notice them…

In T7212#188683, @ebo wrote:

We might also consider going all out and allowing a configurable appearance on a per certificate level. Then this feature would see an increase in use for sure. But it should work without issues, in that case, as then people will notice them…

Uhm, you have to explain that one to me. I have no idea what the use case for that would be, so I would not consider that. And as you think that this would drastically improve the feature I am curious why you think that.

You could use colors, fonts, icons to mark any certificate you want instead of having to use tags and filter by them. You could even put their company logo on certificates of your communication partners.

Another thing, unrelated to my flight of fancy above:
We should mark TrustedKeys in the certificate list. But I guess setting colors by Kleopatra filters is completely different from setting them via registry keys. So I would make another ticket for that.

Although this could maybe be another argument for setting up the whole certificate appearance stuff differently

I vote for removing the UI for configuring the appearance of the certificate categories completely from Kleopatra. This would solve all usability problems in an instant. People who want to go crazy with colors can edit the rc file.

Hard to decide as we have no data how much it is used. :-/ But I tend to agree here. We should not loose sight of the fact that Kleopatra should be more of a diagnostic tool and provide all the information a user might need to solve their issues with signing, verification, encryption and decryption. Kleopatra is not something a user uses so often that they play around with appearance or so like they maybe would in a MUA. Certificate management is just an unwelcome side effect required for crypto. But users do not want to do certificate management for its own sake.

But there may be exceptions. And such users, who really like to explore every nook and cranny of Kleopatra might be the "champion users" in an Organization who always speak out in favor of it.

Mh, no, on the other hand the style is useful in the "All certificates view" to make distinctions based on multiple parameters. "Like trusted S/MIME root certificate" and it is useful to see that right away instead of using the filters. So my vote would be to clean it up, but keep it in general.

Just to clarify: I didn't say that we should remove the coloring/font style of certificates. I just said that I vote for removing the UI for changing the colors and font style.

User: "The purple certificate doesn't work." Support: "Purple? There are no purple certificates." User: "Yes, there are. And pink ones and bordeaux and mauve." ;-) Support people love users customizing their apps because it makes customer support so much more fun.

I'd be in favor of keeping the UI and just fixing the most significant bugs it has. fixes some low-hanging bugs to make the configuration behave more as expected