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Kleopatra: Improve support for V5 fingerprints
Testing, NormalPublic


Support for V5 fingerprints (32 bytes) in Kleopatra shall be improved. In particular:

  1. Display format: Show the first 25 bytes in 10 blocks of 5 hex characters separated by a space character (i.e. the same format as used by gpg -k --with-fingerprint).
  2. Ensure that we use the first 8 bytes if we show the key ID. (For V4 fingerprints the key ID is the last 8 bytes.)

Event Timeline

ikloecker created this task.
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
ikloecker changed the task status from Open to Testing.Thu, Sep 26, 4:42 PM

V5 keys should now work as good as V4 keys in Kleopatra. For testing create a "Curve 448" key and then try a few things. Everything should just work because it works for gpg. Kleopatra doesn't really do anything special for V5 keys.

I have mostly looked for possible assumptions about the length of a V4 fingerprint (40 hex chars) and stumbled over code deriving the (short or normal) key ID from the fingerprint using the last few characters which is wrong for V5 keys where the key ID is the first few characters of the fingerprint.