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Kleopatra: Remove any usage and mention of the short Key ID
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While checking the support of V5 fingerprints in Kleopatra (T7297) I noticed that the short Key ID is very awkward for V5 keys because the short Key ID is the last 4 octets of the 8 octet Key ID and the 8 octet Key ID is the first 8 octets of the V5 fingerprint. So, unlike for V4 keys the short Key ID is neither the first nor the last 4 octets of the V5 fingerprint but some octets "somewhere in the middle" of the V5 fingerprint.

Since the short Key ID is anyway a dangerous anachronism we should remove its usage anywhere in Kleopatra (e.g. we use it for the filenames of exported keys).

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werner added a subscriber: werner.

Yes, this is a bit annoying but recall that for v3 keys you can't even deduce the keyid from its fingerprint.

In a GUI you can c+p stuff and thus the keyid is not very useful anyway. I don't see a problem with the filenames but I have no problem if you change the name to the full fingerprint. (But please also replace spaces by underscores).

ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
ikloecker changed the task status from Open to Testing.Sep 26 2024, 4:32 PM

Done. I don't think this needs to be tested extensively because it's just some UI texts that now show the Key ID (with 16 hex chars) instead of the short Key ID (8 hex chars). And for files including key material we also use the Key ID (of primary key and/or subkey) now for the filenames, e.g. when exporting a public/secret key/subkey.

The most visible changes are in UI components that are only used by KMail (and other apps using the messagecomposer functionality).

TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
TobiasFella added a subscriber: TobiasFella.

Grep'ing through my checked out codebases, nothing of relevance to us uses short key ids anymore.