I have no idea – I’m not familiar with cmd.exe – Do you have step by step instructions on how to do this?
Many thanks,
Chris Baillon
Digital Marketing Manager
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From: aheinecke (Andre Heinecke) <noreply@dev.gnupg.org>
Sent: 01 July 2019 07:44
To: Chris Baillon <Chris.Baillon@allpondsolutions.co.uk>
Subject: [Task] [Claimed] T4581: Kleopatra stuck in loading the certificate cache
aheinecke triaged this task as "Normal" priority.
aheinecke claimed this task.
aheinecke added a comment.
can you please open the console (cmd.exe) and do a "gpg -K" and "gpgsm -K"
do these commands list all your secret keys or do they hang?
Also please try killing the process "gpg-agent.exe" through the Task manager and try to open Kleopatra again.
To: aheinecke
Cc: aheinecke, allpond, Neurone, Rafixmod, Fox, ccharabaruk, gp_ast
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