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- User Since
- May 10 2018, 7:55 PM (356 w, 5 d)
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- Available
Jun 1 2018
Jun 1 2018
Breach added a comment to T3990: Kleopatra change expiry date on year doesn't work.
Thanks. Yes, I think that's it. Here's a video just in case.
May 18 2018
May 18 2018
Breach updated the task description for T3990: Kleopatra change expiry date on year doesn't work.
May 15 2018
May 15 2018
Breach added a comment to T3973: GpgOL causes Outlook 2016 crash with specific message.
Thanks. Confirmed - no crash with the beta5 dll.
Breach added a comment to T3973: GpgOL causes Outlook 2016 crash with specific message.
Hi and thanks. Yes, I consistently reproduce. Here's the log file.
May 12 2018
May 12 2018
May 11 2018
May 11 2018