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jaromil (jaromil)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:47 PM (415 w, 1 d)

Recent Activity

Oct 28 2015

jaromil removed a project from T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation: Bug Report.
Oct 28 2015, 7:42 PM · Not A Bug, gnupg
jaromil closed T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation as Invalid.
Oct 28 2015, 7:42 PM · Not A Bug, gnupg
jaromil added a comment to T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation.

Sure. The issue of consistency across translations is just nitpicking.

The issue of parsing is solved as +notabug for gnupg, since the bug was actually in
ZSh - and is now fixed. Even in older Zsh version can be avoided by decoupling stdin
and stderr in the parsing, basically using --status-fd. I should have done that in the
first place. Apologies for emphasizing this here, as Gnupg offers all the correct
facilities to decouple the output streams.

Unrelated with the issue above, I still think that normalization of white-space usage
across different translations would be an improvement, but since doing it requires a
semantic analysis that is contextual to the language, its quite hard to realize now.
Perhaps a good idea that documentation for translators include a note about white-
space usage. But again, this is nitpicking. Feel free to close the issue.

Oct 28 2015, 7:42 PM · Not A Bug, gnupg

Jul 2 2015

jaromil added a comment to T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation.

I was actually wrong (my French is too rusty) "phrase" is a French word.

The non-breaking spaces are contained into .po translated files for French and
Czeck languages for GnuPG-2. If you don't agree well then I'd recommend
consistency across all .po files, using non-breaking spaces also in other
translations and specify this choice in GnuPG's documentation.

Either way I'd be happy to contribute myself a patch for this issue, on top of
current git HEAD.

Jul 2 2015, 8:08 PM · Not A Bug, gnupg
jaromil added a comment to T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation.

Just run a search about "non-breaking space" and you'll see. Now I'm wondering why
you are asking: is that non-breaking space meant to be there? in case yes, I'd be
curious about the case it serves. I just quickly assumed it is a bug. Ciao

Jul 2 2015, 7:44 PM · Not A Bug, gnupg
jaromil added projects to T2027: Non-breaking space in French translation: gnupg, Bug Report.
Jul 2 2015, 11:25 AM · Not A Bug, gnupg

Jan 10 2013

jaromil added a comment to T1391: pinentry-curses does not work when caller does not own the tty (for example, when su'ed).

try starting pinentry with these options (ASSUAN commands) where $TTY and $LANG
are correctly set in current environment

OPTION ttyname=$TTY
OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG

Jan 10 2013, 10:28 AM · Too Old, Info Needed, Bug Report, pinentry

Aug 2 2012

jaromil added projects to T1435: duplicate syms in libmpi: Bug Report, gpgme.
Aug 2 2012, 9:26 PM · clang, gnupg, Bug Report
jaromil set Version to 1.5 on T1435: duplicate syms in libmpi.
Aug 2 2012, 9:26 PM · clang, gnupg, Bug Report