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Outlook2007 crashes after opening attachments of an encrypted message
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Decrypt an OpenPGP encrypted email with Outlook2007 + GpgOL 1.0.0.
Open any attachment of this email.
-> Outlook2007 crashes!
(GpgOL log doesn't contains a reference to this problem.)

Tested with Gpg4win 2.0.0 + Vista + Outlook2007.

[There is _no_ problem with Outlook2003 (+ GpgOL 1.0.0 + WinXP).]



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Still the same problem with Gpg4win 2.0.1-rc1.

Werner or Emanuel, any updates on this issues?
Still reproducable witn 2.0.1 (aka GpgOL 1.0.1)?

Still the same problem with gpg4win 2.0.2 (aka GpgOL 1.1.1).

Tested with different mailer of sender:
An OpenPGP encrypted (or encrypted/signed) email sent by OL2007/GpgOL1.1.1 and
Kontact e35 (GNU/Linux).
Same problem for both emails: OL2007 crashes after opening an attachment.

It's a very critical issue for OL2007.

emanuel changed Version from 1.0.0 to 1.1.1.Apr 15 2010, 1:40 PM

Am Freitag, 23. Juli 2010 23:59:41 schrieb Sebastien Lumineau via BTS

I confirm that critical issue in Win7. Here is my config:

Windows 7
Outlook 2007 + MO SP2 (do not work without SP2 ether)
Gpg4win 2.0.3
GnuPG 2.0.14
GpgOL 1.1.1
GPA 0.9.0

Message body is decrypted correctly while there's no way to handle
attachment: try "view, open, save as" crashes outlook.

There is also an T1251 (GPGOL creates broken attachments in Outlook 2007)
about creating encrypted messages. I believe we have two seperate issues
here, though of course they might be caused by the same defect.

However T1110 even crashes on correct attachements created by Kmail
and T1251 leads to attachments that even mutt cannot decrypt.

  • Weitergeleitete Nachricht ----------

Datum: Montag, 26. Juli 2010
Von: Sebastien Lumineau <>
An: "g10 Code's BTS" <>

I have completed Christoph's tests with these 2 on WinXP (see text file
enclosed for details):

1 - if the original mail was PGP encrypted, forwarding it would
break attachments even though the mail is "clear" forwarded =
neither signed nor encrypted

2 - broken attachement depends on orignal file format: a file
zipped under linux would not be broken whereas the same file zipped
with IZarc under WinXP would (Christoph reports that an
7-Zip archive would break as well)

Do not hesitate to ask for further tests on Win7 or WinXP if you need.


emanuel changed Version from 1.1.1 to 1.1.2.Jul 30 2010, 5:08 PM

Tested with gpg4win-2.1.0-svn1497 (= gpgol 1.1.2) + kleo 2.1.0-svn1156672:

Same problem as reported in T1110 (emanuel on Aug 21 2009, 12:32 PM / Roundup).

Tested with gpgol 1.1.2:
Open an openpgp signed+encrypted message with attachments. Outlook 2007 crashes
after double clicking the txt attachment. Gpgol log file attached.

I found the problem. It is a plain stupid double free bug of an internal fixed
size buffer. Will be fixed soon.

For the problem with the corrupted attachments, please see T1251.

werner claimed this task.