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Signed mails not visible in Exchange web interface (owa)
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This is likely an unsolvable problem: My signed mails are not displayed in the web interface of our Exchange server (owa).

Using PGP inline would likely work, but is not the best choice for obvious other reasons. Do you know any way to make owa show my signed mails?

Edit: The offered link from the screenshot doesn't help.


GPG4win 3.1.5

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aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.
aheinecke added a project: gpgol.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

I'm pretty sure I tested this in the past using the web interface. The mails should show with an unknown attachment (the signature). I can't think of any changes recently that would have changed it. I'll check again.

Is this S/MIME or OpenPGP? Are you both using the same Exchange server instance? It might be different if the mail was converted to MIME for transport between servers.

Hi, it's OpenPGP and the same Exchange server. Perhaps it has to do with
the "Unterhaltungsmodus" from the error message.


Am 10.12.2018 um 08:31 schrieb aheinecke (Andre Heinecke):

aheinecke claimed this task.
aheinecke triaged this task as "Normal" priority.
aheinecke added a project: gpgol.
aheinecke added a comment.

I'm pretty sure I tested this in the past using the web
interface. The mails should show with an unknown attachment (the
signature). I can't think of any changes recently that would have
changed it. I'll check again.

Is this S/MIME or OpenPGP? Are you both using the same Exchange server
instance? It might be different if the mail was converted to MIME for
transport between servers.



*To: *aheinecke

*Cc: *aheinecke, JJworx, Rafixmod, ccharabaruk, Mak, gp_ast

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I just received answer that this is still a problem in the current release.

This feature does not use Outlook per se.. It's a problem with Exchange really. An Exchange Add-in would be needed to solve it, an Outlook add-in such as Gpgol can't do anything about it..

Anyway, I tested this today with Exchange 2016 CU20 and I can't reproduce it. Mail shows with signature as attachment while it appears as trusted in Outlook (the Windows software). No problem at all.

werner mentioned this in Unknown Object (Phriction Wiki Document).Sep 26 2024, 3:36 PM
alexk added a subscriber: alexk.

Is not a GpgOL bug.
Full functionality will be possible with GpgOL/WEB.