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Kleopatra: Add pinentry counters to smart card management view
Closed, ResolvedPublic


The pinentry counter information should be added to the view.

Maybe we should add a new subsection for this?
When redesign is necessary keep T6420 in mind which relates to the action buttons in that view, which might need another row.

See also T7018: Kleopatra: Separate smartcard window with simplified layout.

Event Timeline

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Nov 2 2023, 8:21 AM
ikloecker moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
ikloecker updated the task description. (Show Details)

I gathered the CHV-STATUS information of a few cards.

For OpenPGP v2+ (?) the CHV-STATUS values are well-defined: 7 integers where the last 3 are the retry counters. Examples:

  • Yubikey OpenPGP v2.1: " 255 127 127 127 3 3 3" -> PIN: 3, Reset Code: 3, Admin PIN: 3
  • Zeitcontrol OpenPGP v3.4: " 0 64 64 64 3 0 3" -> Reset Code: 0 which means either Reset Code not set or no retries left

Other cards can have arbitrary many counters; some also provide labels for the counters:

  • Signature Card V2.0: "3 3 -4 0" -> -4 means "NullPIN is still active"; first two counters are for normal keys; the others are for qualified signatures
  • Dark-blue card: "3 10 10 10" with CHV-LABEL "PIN SO-PIN Extra_PIN_#0 Extra_PIN_#1"
  • White card: "3 5" with CHV-LABEL "User_Pin SO_Pin"
  • Genua card: "3 2" with CHV-LABEL "SC1_Sierra_Tango Security_Officer_PIN"

I doubt that it makes much sense to show normal users the "random" counters of the other cards. I will first implement it for OpenPGP cards only.

ikloecker changed the task status from Open to Testing.Jun 13 2024, 12:11 PM

Done. This is how it looks like:

I'm wondering whether "PIN counters:" would be sufficient as label. We may anyway want to add a tool tip to explain what the counters actually mean. And/Or we document this in the manual.

I'd say "PIN counters:" is enough in combination with a tool tip. An additional documentation in a manual is always nice, of course. But do we really need the "PIN" here? As long as after the colon PIN, PUK, etc is listed, I think we could drop it here and say "Retry counters"
One could also contemplate using something like "No. of tries left".

gpg uses "Remaining attempts:" for the pinentry. I'll use this also in Kleopatra so that the users can more easily recognize that this is the same information.

ikloecker edited projects, added gpd5x; removed Restricted Project.Tue, Feb 4, 4:29 PM
ikloecker moved this task from Backlog to WIP on the gpd5x board.
ebo moved this task from WIP to Done on the gpd5x board.

The remaining attempts are listed: