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Kleopatra: Change filters "All certificates" etc. so that they do not include disabled ones
Testing, NormalPublic


Edited on 2024-09-25 to reflect the result of the discussion

Extrapolating from some issues and questions, users tend to want to delete old keys if they create a new one. And others requested a feature to disable certificates because they don't want them to clutter up their keyring.
We want to be able to tell users that they should keep their old keys (to decrypt old data) but don't have to see them if they mark them "disabled".

Therefore we need the following changes:

  • The filter "All Certificates" should show all certificates/keys except the disabled ones.
  • All other filters where this applies should be changed accordingly (should be all except the X509 ones)
  • All tool tips of these filters should get the addition " (except disabled ones)" (and work on T7300 at the same time)
  • Add a new filter "Disabled Certificates"

Event Timeline

werner triaged this task as Normal priority.Mon, Sep 23, 1:11 PM

ok, discussed this with Werner and Alexander, result was:

The new filter should be the default and the name of the default filter stay "All certificates". But the tool tip for that should then show "All certificates except the disabled ones".

We then need another filter "Disabled certificates" which should only show those.

I'll change the ticket description accordingly if there are no objections today.

What about all other filters? For example "Not Certified", "Not Fully Certified", "My Own", "OpenPGP"? Should the disabled certificates also be excluded for those filters?

ok. For the tooltip I would now favor the same addition to all current tool tips where it applies:
"(w/o disabled ones)", e.g. "All certificates (except disabled ones)".

Incidentally I noticed that we currently use title case for all the tool tips for the filters, see T7300

ebo renamed this task from Draft: Kleopatra: Add filter "All enabled certificates" to Kleopatra: Change filters "All certificates" etc. so that they do not include disabled ones.Wed, Sep 25, 11:04 AM
ebo updated the task description. (Show Details)
ebo added a project: vsd33.
ebo added a subscriber: TobiasFella.
TobiasFella set External Link to, Sep 25, 3:46 PM
TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.
TobiasFella changed the task status from Open to Testing.Thu, Sep 26, 11:16 AM