This is a bug in pinentry qt and qt4. It does not occur with the other pinentrys.
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Dec 8 2008
Sep 10 2008
(Assigning to Werner, because the Problem is still there.)
Sep 3 2008
The problem is still there with
Kontact proko2 2.1.12 and gnupg-agent 2.0.9-0kk2 on Debian Sarge.
And Kontact enterprise35 20080826.852422 Etch.
May 8 2008
Nov 19 2007
Oct 24 2007
I fixed it in agent/* and common/*. However, I don't think that this fix is
needed. It later turned out that we are already running gpg-agent with gettext
clamped to utf-8 to that the fix does nothing.
thanks for the fix.
Just quickly?
In which component did you fix it? Is there an easy way to get a patch?
Oct 19 2007
Works for me. However I was not able to replicate the original case because I
have no 2.0.5 available.
I found and fixed the problem. Now testing...
Fixed in SVN. I can't see a regression here, through.
Here is the short fix:
Oct 17 2007
Oct 12 2007
Sep 13 2007
Aug 24 2007
Sorry, gpg-agent needs to be restartet. Now it works.
I added this line to my trustlist.txt and
applied "Validate" in Kleopatra again, but
same result as before.
Well, GTE seems to be one of this money printing companies without any security
clues. The certificate uses MD5, is valid for 20 years (still 11 to go)(!) and
is missing the required basicConstraints.