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andrewgdotcom (Andrew Gallagher)


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User Since
Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (382 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Dec 20 2023

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

@aheinecke as promised, attached some test vectors:

Dec 20 2023, 12:42 PM · Feature Request, gnupg

Dec 19 2023

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

This has always worked on the client site since we implemented keyserver access.

Dec 19 2023, 3:57 PM · Feature Request, gnupg
andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

The trick here is that during import gpg tracks those invalid signatures and then tries to apply them to other keys.

Dec 19 2023, 1:17 PM · Feature Request, gnupg
andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

If you need the fingerprint, why don't you take it from the revocation certificate - for many years it is in subpacket 33.

Dec 19 2023, 12:51 PM · Feature Request, gnupg
andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

I'm curious about the parsing implications of this bit:

Dec 19 2023, 12:46 PM · Feature Request, gnupg
andrewgdotcom added a comment to T6900: GnuPG: Accept revocation certificates without UserID.

Individual UID revocation sigs are not particularly useful, because they cannot be validated without the original UID. Such things are out of scope.

Dec 19 2023, 12:04 PM · Feature Request, gnupg

Dec 18 2023

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T4393: GnuPG should always accept key updates even if the update does not contain UIDs.

@bernhard Following up on discussion elsewhere:

Dec 18 2023, 7:37 PM · gnupg (gpg23), Feature Request

Dec 29 2022

andrewgdotcom added a project to T6321: gpg-wks-server should not build without sendmail: Bug Report.
Dec 29 2022, 6:30 PM · Bug Report, wkd
andrewgdotcom created T6321: gpg-wks-server should not build without sendmail.
Dec 29 2022, 6:27 PM · Bug Report, wkd

Jan 10 2022

andrewgdotcom added a watcher for Keyserver: andrewgdotcom.
Jan 10 2022, 12:05 PM
andrewgdotcom added a watcher for ssh: andrewgdotcom.
Jan 10 2022, 12:04 PM
andrewgdotcom added a comment to T5751: Please remove from default dirmngr config.

Ubuntu have been syncing since 7th December:

Jan 10 2022, 12:00 PM · dirmngr, Keyserver

Dec 23 2021

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T5751: Please remove from default dirmngr config.

Do you have a ballpark figure for the install base (not including variants such as debian with modified defaults)? That might help us decide what counts as "overloading".

Dec 23 2021, 1:29 AM · dirmngr, Keyserver

Dec 22 2021

andrewgdotcom created T5751: Please remove from default dirmngr config.
Dec 22 2021, 6:47 PM · dirmngr, Keyserver

May 15 2018

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T3981: MDC failures should always trigger fatal error.

Actually this is not related to the mentioned CVE because the issue we are talking about has not been tested by them.

May 15 2018, 1:23 PM · Bug Report
andrewgdotcom updated the task description for T3981: MDC failures should always trigger fatal error.
May 15 2018, 12:36 PM · Bug Report
andrewgdotcom created T3981: MDC failures should always trigger fatal error.
May 15 2018, 10:56 AM · Bug Report

Sep 14 2016

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T2671: "Invalid option" with utf-16 config files (windows).

Werner Koch <> added the comment:

Any suggestion on how to detect utf-16 easily?

Sep 14 2016, 10:05 AM · gnupg24, Restricted Project, Bug Report

Sep 7 2016

andrewgdotcom set Version to 2.1.15 on T2671: "Invalid option" with utf-16 config files (windows).
Sep 7 2016, 1:21 PM · gnupg24, Restricted Project, Bug Report
andrewgdotcom added a project to T2671: "Invalid option" with utf-16 config files (windows): Bug Report.
Sep 7 2016, 1:21 PM · gnupg24, Restricted Project, Bug Report

Jul 30 2015

andrewgdotcom added a comment to T2019: Order of magnitude degradation in performance in gpg2 cf gpg.

gpg2 is unusable under jessie. Just browsing my inbox in icedove/thunderbird
causes the following:

top - 11:08:34 up 17 days, 35 min, 7 users, load average: 4.47, 3.24, 1.93
Tasks: 243 total, 4 running, 239 sleeping, 0 stopped, 0 zombie
%Cpu(s): 60.9 us, 16.3 sy, 0.0 ni, 21.7 id, 1.0 wa, 0.0 hi, 0.1 si, 0.0 st
KiB Mem: 8072496 total, 7827000 used, 245496 free, 117576 buffers
KiB Swap: 7688188 total, 1291184 used, 6397004 free. 1675144 cached Mem


3420 agallag+ 20 0 78616 57736 3572 R 99.5 0.7 6:06.75 gpg2

3494 agallag+ 20 0 33040 11912 3532 R 99.5 0.1 4:52.95 gpg2

3424 agallag+ 20 0 31940 10796 3468 R 99.2 0.1 3:31.33 gpg2

8743 agallag+ 20 0 5129560 2.326g 44372 S 5.3 30.2 1262:07 iceweasel

7743 agallag+ 20 0 1898320 198764 26908 S 2.3 2.5 225:11.77 gnome-shell

3407 root 20 0 0 0 0 S 0.7 0.0 0:00.50 kworker/3:0

4344 jira 20 0 3547040 581920 5216 S 0.7 7.2 84:02.57 java

3610 agallag+ 20 0 25944 3168 2428 R 0.3 0.0 0:00.01 top

3718 root 20 0 364320 63932 41096 S 0.3 0.8 110:25.72 Xorg

5899 agallag+ 20 0 2750304 86372 13620 S 0.3 1.1 2:40.06 dropbox

7858 agallag+ 20 0 419240 25884 9216 S 0.3 0.3 12:40.70
10159 agallag+ 20 0 2155424 602372 46804 S 0.3 7.5 116:15.04 icedove

    1 root      20   0   15484   1084   1048 S   0.0  0.0   0:06.36 init

I can't use gpg1 in the meantime because I have a smartcard.

Jul 30 2015, 12:13 PM · Stalled, Bug Report, gnupg

Jun 18 2015

andrewgdotcom added projects to T2019: Order of magnitude degradation in performance in gpg2 cf gpg: gnupg, Bug Report.
Jun 18 2015, 5:59 PM · Stalled, Bug Report, gnupg
andrewgdotcom set Version to 2.0.26 on T2019: Order of magnitude degradation in performance in gpg2 cf gpg.
Jun 18 2015, 5:59 PM · Stalled, Bug Report, gnupg