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Revert "speedo: Use remote gitrep if local does not exist"


Revert "speedo: Use remote gitrep if local does not exist"

Using a remote repo is dangerous; for a local repo it can be expected
that it has been properly pulled and checked.


wernerAuthored on Jul 23 2024, 1:37 PM
rGdd23441938d1: agent: Avoid memory leak when handling ssh keys.

Event Timeline

Sure! I agree. But my commit did not change that, it only changed that if it that preferable source directory is not at the expected place that it falls back to a remote connection. Since this is also not done in release builds etc. I don't see the harm. And it makes it easier to build GnuPG I think it is weird that users need to modify the script for a git build, this is also not documented. Or a manually reviewed source tree setup under ~/s . But the maintainer could have such a setup and so that setup is preferred! So nothing has been changed for the maintainer.

Found a workaround for me. I thought that to only set gitrep if it is not set an ":=" would be required but as other variables in there were also assigned by a single equal sign, I tried to set it on the command line, too and this worked.

make -f ~/dev/qt6/src/gnupg/build-aux/speedo.mk TARGETOS=w32 W32VERSION=w64 WHAT=git UPD_SWDB=1 VERBOSE=1 gitrep=git://git.gnupg.org installer

That solves my issue without modifying the sources / buildscript.