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Jul 25 2014

werner added a comment to T1516: gpgex crashing Windows explorer (64 bit).

The bug is pretty obvious. I consider to rewrite it by calling gpgconf
--list-dirs to get the home directory. This would be simliar to what we do in
gpgme. Or well, we could link to to gpgme to and make use of its higher level

Jul 25 2014, 3:31 PM · Windows 64, Windows 32, gpg4win, Windows, Bug Report, gpgex

Jul 24 2014

aheinecke added a comment to T1516: gpgex crashing Windows explorer (64 bit).

Thanks for looking at this. If you like I could test your fixes. I currently
have a build setup and a test setup where I can reproduce the crash.

Btw. Maybe I don't understand c++ enough but afaik this just makes no sense and
is broken:

  try { name = ((string) dir) + "\\S.uiserver"; } catch (...) {}

should be rather something like:
if (dir)
name = string(dir) + "\\S.uiserver";

Jul 24 2014, 9:30 AM · Windows 64, Windows 32, gpg4win, Windows, Bug Report, gpgex

Jul 23 2014

werner added a comment to T1516: gpgex crashing Windows explorer (64 bit).

I have some fixes sitting here in my local repo. I need to check them.

Jul 23 2014, 3:17 PM · Windows 64, Windows 32, gpg4win, Windows, Bug Report, gpgex
aheinecke added projects to T1516: gpgex crashing Windows explorer (64 bit): Windows, gpg4win, Windows 32, Windows 64.
Jul 23 2014, 3:05 PM · Windows 64, Windows 32, gpg4win, Windows, Bug Report, gpgex
aheinecke added a project to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME: Duplicate.
Jul 23 2014, 3:03 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
aheinecke added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Closing this as a duplicate of T1516

Jul 23 2014, 3:03 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
aheinecke added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Duplicate of T1516

Jul 23 2014, 3:03 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
aheinecke closed T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME as Resolved.
Jul 23 2014, 3:03 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows

Feb 17 2014

werner closed T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short as Resolved.
Feb 17 2014, 6:08 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows
werner added a project to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short: Not A Bug.
Feb 17 2014, 6:08 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Feb 14 2014

killerog added a comment to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.

Sorry for the delay, the passphrase is 512 characters long (now I should change
it after publishing that here ;-)) and just ascii characters.

Feb 14 2014, 6:55 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Jan 23 2014

werner added a comment to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.

With GnuPG 1.x, Enigmail takes care of presenting the passphrase dialog.
With GnuPG 2.x GnuPG does it of its own. For that it spawns a small tool
called pinentry which asks for the passphrase. We actually have several
versions of that pinentry. The one you are using is based on Qt (a toolkit) and
has a limit of 256 bytes for the passphrase. The limit may actually be lower if
you are using non-ascii characters, but I can't see how that value is not

How long is your passphrase and does it contain many non-ascii characters (e.g.

Jan 23 2014, 9:11 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Jan 22 2014

killerog added a comment to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.

Jan 22 2014, 9:15 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows
killerog added a comment to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.

Hello, Thank you for your reply.

I used the gpg4win-2.2.1.exe binary which I downloaded from

The popup I mentioned is the screen that asks me for my password when I try to
open an encrypted mail in my mailbox via thunderbird/enigmail. See the
screenshot. In the newer gpg version this popup is replaced by a prompt screen
that says pinentry and will allow only for shorter passwords.

I understand that my password is exceptional long, as I still was (and maybe
still am) a beginner on the encrypted mail part. But backwards compatibility
seems pretty important in the case of encrypted mails and passwords to decrypt them.

Jan 22 2014, 9:15 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Jan 8 2014

werner added a comment to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.

What do you mean by "openpgp popup"?

Which installation options did you used whethn installing gpg4win? Depending on
the version you get a different pinentry version - we have a qt based one, a GTK
based base, and a very simple native windows pinentry.

Jan 8 2014, 8:03 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows
werner added a project to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short: gpg4win.
Jan 8 2014, 8:03 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Dec 27 2013

killerog added projects to T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short: Windows, OpenPGP, pinentry, Windows 64, Bug Report.
Dec 27 2013, 11:36 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows
killerog set Version to 2.2.1 on T1592: Pinentry's max password length is too short.
Dec 27 2013, 11:36 PM · Not A Bug, gpg4win, Bug Report, Windows 64, pinentry, OpenPGP, Windows

Oct 24 2013

werner removed a project from T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard: Restricted Project.
Oct 24 2013, 7:43 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
werner closed T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard as Resolved.
Oct 24 2013, 7:43 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows

Sep 6 2013

bernhard added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

For diagnostic reasons: could you try with Kleopatra as well?

Sep 6 2013, 12:42 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
TripleOPS added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Maybe this is relevant:
I only installed gpg, gpgEX and GPA from the GPG4Win package.

Using gpg.exe on the command line works perfect.
I can en- and decrypt files and sign and whatnot.
Only gpgEX is affected.

Sep 6 2013, 12:24 PM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
TripleOPS added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Sep 6 2013, 11:27 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
TripleOPS added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

The crash happen regardless of what I did before. Usually I use Q-Dir as file
browser. When I trigger a gpgex action via context menu in one Q-Dir OR Windows
Explorer the program (the one I used) crashes.

I set GNUPGHOME as a user variable via Windows' Extended System Settings.

I followed Bernhard's suggestion and attached the GpgEX debug log.

Sep 6 2013, 11:27 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
TripleOPS set Version to 1.1.0 on T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.
Sep 6 2013, 11:27 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
werner placed T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME up for grabs.
Sep 6 2013, 11:12 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
werner added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Please provide a proper bug report so that we are able to replicate this. For
example, how did you set GNUGHOME, what process have been started before that
etc. A complete run trough on how to exhibit the bug would be a appreciated.

Sep 6 2013, 11:12 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
bernhard added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Thanks for asking again, I did not remember that GPGex was missing from the

It works similiar to GpgOL, see
and in German:

Sep 6 2013, 10:29 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
bernhard reassigned T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME from aheinecke to werner.
Sep 6 2013, 10:29 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
TripleOPS added a comment to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME.

Actually, I can't.
The link you provided leads to a site with some general infos.
There is another link into the compendium with infos about
some GPG4Win components but not a single word on gpgex.

So HOW do I provide some more diagnostic output?

Sep 6 2013, 9:28 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows
bernhard added projects to T1536: gpgex crashes Win7 64bit when using GNUPGHOME: Windows, gpg4win, Windows 64.
Sep 6 2013, 8:44 AM · Duplicate, Windows 64, Bug Report, gpg4win, gpgex, Windows

Aug 16 2013

werner added a project to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard: Restricted Project.
Aug 16 2013, 4:18 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
werner added a comment to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard.

Fixed in d3f20e7. Applied patch to gpg4win as well.

Aug 16 2013, 4:18 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
aheinecke added a comment to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard.

Aug 16 2013, 12:52 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
aheinecke added a comment to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard.

In the backtrace gpa_backtrace2.png you can see that the crash happens:

If we apply the patch it no longer crashes, but as the error handling in that
patch is just to abort, the text is not copied into the clipboard and we do not
get an error in GPA.

So still some more debugging why invalid utf-8 data is sent from gpa.
As the data worked on comes from GPA and "should" be valid utf-8

Aug 16 2013, 12:52 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows

Aug 14 2013

aheinecke added a comment to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard.

Backtrace attached. Sorry that it is an image but windows was blocking me from
copying the gdb output to the clipboard.

Aug 14 2013, 6:23 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
aheinecke added a comment to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard.

Aug 14 2013, 6:23 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows
aheinecke added projects to T1525: Gpa crashes on windows when copying a key to the clipboard: Windows, Windows 32, gpa, Bug Report, Windows 64.
Aug 14 2013, 6:07 PM · Windows 64, Bug Report, gpa, Windows 32, Windows

Sep 15 2011

werner closed T1360: Stack corruption in _gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (w64) as Resolved.
Sep 15 2011, 9:22 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, libgcrypt, Windows, Not A Bug

Aug 3 2011

werner added a comment to T1360: Stack corruption in _gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (w64).

Libgcrypt does not support 64 bit Windows yet. In particular do not use it even
if it would build and run fine. MSVC is not a supported build platform anyway.

Aug 3 2011, 6:36 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, libgcrypt, Windows, Not A Bug
werner added a project to T1360: Stack corruption in _gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (w64): Not A Bug.
Aug 3 2011, 6:36 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, libgcrypt, Windows, Not A Bug
MGtB set Version to 1.5.0 on T1360: Stack corruption in _gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (w64).
Aug 3 2011, 1:11 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, libgcrypt, Windows, Not A Bug
MGtB added projects to T1360: Stack corruption in _gcry_rndw32_gather_random_fast (w64): Windows, libgcrypt, Bug Report, Windows 64.
Aug 3 2011, 1:11 AM · Windows 64, Bug Report, libgcrypt, Windows, Not A Bug