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Nov 17 2017
Nov 17 2017
justus committed rE9b23e71a6b41: gpgscm: Track source locations in every kind of ports. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Track source locations in every kind of ports.
gpgscm: Guard use of tagged expressions.
gpgscm: Improve parsing.
gpgscm: Fix build with list environments.
tests,build: Fix distcheck.
justus committed rEfa2363d9d903: gpgscm: Optimize environment lookups and insertions. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Optimize environment lookups and insertions.
justus committed rEb2db15dfe894: tests: Check expiration times of created keys. (authored by justus).
tests: Check expiration times of created keys.
gpgscm: Tune the hash tables.
gpgscm: Remove unused functions.
gpgscm: Fix build with object list.
justus committed rEd374a1271326: gpgscm: Optimize symbol lookups and insertions. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Optimize symbol lookups and insertions.
justus committed rEe1dc204ac465: gpgscm: Provide framework for immediate values. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Provide framework for immediate values.
gpgscm: Use a compact vector representation.
justus committed rEe2caaa957b56: gpgscm: Introduce macro for the vector length. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Introduce macro for the vector length.
gpgscm: Add 'finally', rework all macros.
gpgscm: Guard use of union member.
justus committed rE4165c9303d89: gpgscm: Use boxed values for source locations. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Use boxed values for source locations.
justus committed rE56787d898a69: gpgscm: Fail if too many arguments are given. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Fail if too many arguments are given.
justus committed rEc587e6a038fc: gpgscm: Fix setting the line of the first gc reservation. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Fix setting the line of the first gc reservation.
tests: Move argument parser.
justus committed rEb852ac097f3d: gpgscm: Display location when assertions fail. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Display location when assertions fail.
gpgscm: Change associativity of ::.
gpgscm: Make exception handling more robust.
gpgscm: Generalize the test runner.
gpgscm: Print failed and skipped tests.
justus committed rE81c95b26e769: gpgscm: Keep a history of calls for error messages. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Keep a history of calls for error messages.
gpgscm: Better error reporting.
gpgscm: Improve library functions.
justus committed rE0031a4d4d8a1: gpgscm: Move the test runner to the Scheme library. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Move the test runner to the Scheme library.
gpgscm: Add flags to the interpreter.
gpgscm: Generalize 'for-each-p'.
justus committed rE7f7869357cae: gpgscm: Make 'reverse' compatible with 'reverse_in_place'. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Make 'reverse' compatible with 'reverse_in_place'.
tests: Rename 'error' to 'fail'.
gpgscm: Avoid truncating pointers.
gpgscm: Implement tags.
gpgscm: Add flag TAIL_CONTEXT.
gpgscm: Clean sweeped cells.
gpgscm: Refactor.
gpgscm: Fix initialization of 'sink'.
justus committed rEeca7b9bbee29: gpgscm: Use a static pool of cells for small integers. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Use a static pool of cells for small integers.
gpgscm: Fix string.
gpgscm: Mark cells requiring finalization.
gpgscm: Fix installation of error handler.
justus committed rEd2a75dc5ae2b: gpgscm: Re-enable the garbage collector in case of errors. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Re-enable the garbage collector in case of errors.
gpgscm: Fix property lists.
gpgscm: Recover more cells.
justus committed rE85388f1ef82b: gpgscm: Recover cells used to maintain interpreter state. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Recover cells used to maintain interpreter state.
gpgscm: Avoid cell allocation overhead.
justus committed rE1659878b827d: gpgscm: Recover cells from the list of recently allocated cells. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Recover cells from the list of recently allocated cells.
gpgscm: Remove dubious stack implementation.
gpgscm: Make the compile-hook configurable.
gpgscm: Drop obsolete commented-out code.
gpgscm: Reduce opcode dispatch overhead.
justus committed rE1edacbc5a4a0: gpgscm: Generalize splice to write to multiple sinks. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Generalize splice to write to multiple sinks.
justus committed rE13831e9cd683: gpgscm: Expose seek and associated constants. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Expose seek and associated constants.
gpgscm: Fix error message.
gpgscm: Drop 'len' argument from splice.
justus committed rE1564fc3b2ff5: tests: Move environment creation and teardown into each test. (authored by justus).
tests: Move environment creation and teardown into each test.
justus committed rEfa82512020f8: gpgscm,w32: Provide schemish file handling for binary files. (authored by justus).
gpgscm,w32: Provide schemish file handling for binary files.
justus committed rE70c5f30074ec: gpgscm: Add support for pseudo-random numbers. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Add support for pseudo-random numbers.
gpgscm: Implement 'atexit'.
justus committed rEfa221a1d5272: gpgscm: Fix printing strings containing zero bytes. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Fix printing strings containing zero bytes.
justus committed rEe4a694eb48a0: gpgscm,tests: Add new functions to the test environment. (authored by justus).
gpgscm,tests: Add new functions to the test environment.
gpgscm: Fix inclusion of readline header.
justus committed rEe7ba35f207cb: common,w32: Fix setting environment variables on Windows. (authored by justus).
common,w32: Fix setting environment variables on Windows.
justus committed rEbbd3be18ca9f: gpgscm: Update callsite of 'gnupg_spawn_process'. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Update callsite of 'gnupg_spawn_process'.
gpgscm: Improve test of low-level functions.
gpgscm: Initialize nesting stack.
tests: Improve handling of Windows newlines.
justus committed rEea399aaaf4c9: tests: Implement interpreter shutdown using exceptions. (authored by justus).
tests: Implement interpreter shutdown using exceptions.
tests,w32: Do not expose 'glob' to gpgscm.
justus committed rEec34346129c7: tests: Correctly handle exceptions in resource handling macros. (authored by justus).
tests: Correctly handle exceptions in resource handling macros.
tests: Refine exception handling.
tests: Refine the repl function.
gpgscm: Improve path handling.
tests: Use descriptive temporary file names.
justus committed rE36405b2d208e: gpgscm: Fix detection of unbalanced parenthesis. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Fix detection of unbalanced parenthesis.
tests: Improve temporary directory handling.
justus committed rEc609b6e6b087: gpgscm: Make the name of foreign functions more unique. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Make the name of foreign functions more unique.
justus committed rEd764c08a9215: gpgscm: Do not shadow common function name in catch macro. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Do not shadow common function name in catch macro.
gpgscm: Make assert macro more accurate.
tests: Add test for ssh support.
gpgscm: Fix linking.
gpgscm: Make function more general.
justus committed rEbd958b94ea3c: gpgscm: Make the verbose setting more useful. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Make the verbose setting more useful.
gpgscm: Make error message more useful.
gpgscm: Capture output of spawned processes.
tests: Honor environment variable 'TMP'.
gpgscm: Fix reallocating string ports.
gpgscm: Free memory backing string ports.
justus committed rE1406aa0fdf34: gpgscm: Improve robustness and compatibility. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Improve robustness and compatibility.
gpgscm: Use the allocator from libgcrypt.
gpgscm: Fix memory leaks.
gpgscm: Fix buffer overflow.
gpgscm: Free file names.
gpgscm: Fix manual.
gpgscm: Fix Scheme initialization.
justus committed rE7b6728b7ecf7: gpgscm: Handle exceptions in the transformation monad. (authored by justus).
gpgscm: Handle exceptions in the transformation monad.
gpgscm: Add types for special objects.
gpgscm: Add more file handling functions.