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Kleopatra: Add origin information in search results
Testing, NormalPublic


Follow up of T6493.

The column "origin" should show the information "keyserver" or "WKD" instead of always "unknown" for OpenPGP.
It is not necessary to show the value of "keyserver".

For S/MIME I'm not sure what the wording should be as "directory service" might be a bit long for the column.
Again, no values needs to be displayed for that.

Event Timeline

aheinecke triaged this task as Normal priority.
aheinecke added a subscriber: aheinecke.

Since we can have multiple servers for S/MIME it could be nice in the search results to sow from which server the reply came. But I think that is out of scope or better a different issue since the current API does not provide that info.

Yes, this ticket was made as a task to be completed for vsd33, so we left out the refinement you suggested on purpose.

Note that the keys do not have origin information before they have been imported. My idea was to keep track of which job generated the results and somehow add this as origin information to the key list model.

TobiasFella moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Apr 3 2024, 10:15 AM

Tested with Gpg4win-4.3.2-beta23: This works if I select the origin column for display. At least for WKD and keyserver.

I think the origin column should be displayed by default in the "Lookup" window

Should I make a new ticket for making the origin column default for the search?

In T7067#187088, @ebo wrote:

Should I make a new ticket for making the origin column default for the search?

Yes, I would do so. Then this ticket can be closed for VSD 3.3.

Ok, follow up for the column is T7155.

But another thing: For search results from a X509 directory service, the origin given in the search window is "Keyserver", when the key is imported, it is "Unknown" in the certificate list.

As Ingo explained to me only the origin in the search results is determined by Kleopatra, so we are able to change the origin in the search window. I'm not sure if you can determine the kind of server by it's address, maybe you have to check if it is a X509 key instead and in this case it has to be a X509 directory service?

But the "Unknown" in the certificate list comes from gpgsm, which does not know about origins.
What should we do here? A better value for S/MIME certificates in that column would be "n/a" but I'm not sure it's worth the effort to change this. And anyway, this would be out of scope for this ticket. I will create a new one if we decide we want to change the display in the certificate list, too.

After talking with Werner, I edited T7155 to include displaying the protocol column, too, because this is useful in combination with his wishes regarding the origin keyword which are:

"keyserver" only for hkps keyservers, and "ldap" for the others.

(He is ok with the "n/a" for the origin of S/MIME certificates in certificate list)

I guess we want to backport the above change for VSD 3.3.

TobiasFella changed the task status from Open to Testing.Aug 1 2024, 10:09 AM

Backported additional changes for VSD 3.3

ebo moved this task from Restricted Project Column to Restricted Project Column on the Restricted Project board.Tue, Oct 1, 3:55 PM