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Jan 2 2025
Jan 2 2025
Improve clipboard
• TobiasFella committed rKLEOPATRA986a268a6b71: Fix clipboard actions on wayland (authored by • TobiasFella).
Fix clipboard actions on wayland
• TobiasFella committed rKLEOPATRAcdb6420cc616: Cleanup KIO servicemenu for sign / encrypt files (authored by • TobiasFella).
Cleanup KIO servicemenu for sign / encrypt files
• ikloecker committed rMb9f9e24c0044: tests,json: Prevent failing tests after 2027-05-15 (authored by • ikloecker).
tests,json: Prevent failing tests after 2027-05-15
I have replaced the expiring test key with a new non-expiring test key.
@ikloecker: Do you still have the private key for tests/json/key-with-revokers.asc somewhere? We need to remove the expiration date due to T7471.
GIT_SILENT: happy new year
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTPab0a87b598fe: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO2c93be58cdb3: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA5ae328fa4c68: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO0fa88b0b4a00: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAd39b9bdb4183: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA21f796798a97: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
Jan 1 2025
Jan 1 2025
Users landing here looking for help.
This looks like a bug with gnutls which is the only tool that fails :
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA2f49aa2c6d4d: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAfe8da1e1cc11: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA29d6ca453db9: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
Dec 31 2024
Dec 31 2024
mlaurent committed rMTPbd9e84c08d3e: Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary (authored by mlaurent).
Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary
mlaurent committed rKLEOPATRA50b1a2b62fd4: Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary (authored by mlaurent).
Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary
mlaurent committed rLIBKLEO58156e3c6cce: Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary (authored by mlaurent).
Remove FeatureSummary as we use ECMFeatureSummary
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA2c5e9039e731: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA41d6f7c91054: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAeaea87561ee8: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAf651386cd404: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAe12ee74cf7c3: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 30 2024
Dec 30 2024
• gniibe committed rPb415f3108921: build: Fix warning about obsolete pinentry-emacs. (authored by • gniibe).
build: Fix warning about obsolete pinentry-emacs.
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO0555e770f9e6: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAef154f3d7238: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO60e4ccda8d02: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
Thank you. Fixed in: rPb415f3108921: build: Fix warning about obsolete pinentry-emacs.
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO883e9318004f: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA086c947b2a67: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO4b8bddfbe9b3: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAdc22929c3b95: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 29 2024
Dec 29 2024
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEOf5caa7f93e82: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEOe623d0ab6f57: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP7b2228cad41a: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO44e4e8d48203: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAf9cbb6b080e8: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO0a982e4506e6: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA3363cb46158a: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 28 2024
Dec 28 2024
Remove unimplemented methods
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP8667812bc9ae: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEOb4cdbc7c6a50: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAeb48cc9b887c: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO72b03ba6b567: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAc13de93752fc: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA1f476b232902: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 27 2024
Dec 27 2024
ametzler1 renamed T7470: pinentry warns about obsolete pinentry-emacs for --disable-pinentry-emacs from pinentry warn son oblsolte pinentry-ema to pinentry warns about obsolete pinentry-emacs for --disable-pinentry-emacs.
Fix compile with unity support
Fix compile with unity support
Fix compile with unity support
mlaurent committed rMTP84253b44235f: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/24.12' (authored by mlaurent).
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/release/24.12'
Use mimetreeparser6
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTPa0f61753e67a: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP8276e7c2e261: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA415dcead21d7: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
• gniibe committed rC53c97483b17f: fips,ecc: Check DATA in gcry_pk_sign/verify in FIPS mode. (authored by • gniibe).
fips,ecc: Check DATA in gcry_pk_sign/verify in FIPS mode.
• gniibe committed rCd71c88f78a4f: tests: Add more tests to tests/t-fips-service-ind. (authored by • gniibe).
tests: Add more tests to tests/t-fips-service-ind.
• gniibe committed rCc6a092abbe7b: fips,ecc: Add rejecting or marking for gcry_pk_get_curve. (authored by • gniibe).
fips,ecc: Add rejecting or marking for gcry_pk_get_curve.
Dec 26 2024
Dec 26 2024
CarlSchwan committed rMTP6b1b8c39e76f: Hide MailViewer's footer when there is no attachments (authored by CarlSchwan).
Hide MailViewer's footer when there is no attachments
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA97b47ac72992: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA2c775ead06c1: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
Dec 25 2024
Dec 25 2024
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO8673bf1af5c0: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA10fcadcc10f1: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO26ef15c65342: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA471a7e56eeef: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP16fd9c80a0dd: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO3df094ff30f2: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA2d2a95c2279f: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO607665a5eff4: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA4f67793302c4: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA90bd062516a8: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 24 2024
Dec 24 2024
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA4925abadb311: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTPb906f636dde3: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAa10875081cf3: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA1f196f6f7364: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 23 2024
Dec 23 2024
CarlSchwan committed rMTP12b96f27489b: Unify horizontal padding in MailPartModel (authored by CarlSchwan).
Unify horizontal padding in MailPartModel
• gniibe committed rCa776b692669a: fips,cipher: Add behavior not to reject but mark non-compliant. (authored by • gniibe).
fips,cipher: Add behavior not to reject but mark non-compliant.
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA661009ce71ec: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTPb3702cbf1176: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA2ad7728d4dcc: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA541657e29a1e: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 22 2024
Dec 22 2024
Use Qt:: namespace
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP9d490849232f: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA5d5fa9918b1f: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEOd58e6a5b97b3: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rMTP89bdddb19da5: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRAa3b16ca17e7c: GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT Sync po/docbooks with svn
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rLIBKLEO0051a278a5f4: SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
SVN_SILENT made messages (.desktop file) - always resolve ours
l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org> committed rKLEOPATRA3a831a371194: GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction) (authored by l10n daemon script <scripty@kde.org>).
GIT_SILENT made messages (after extraction)
Dec 21 2024
Dec 21 2024
mlaurent committed rLIBKLEO0c6fb0c1d8d1: It compiles fine without deprecated methods (authored by mlaurent).
It compiles fine without deprecated methods
mlaurent committed rKLEOPATRAded0817d40fe: Make it compile without deprecated methods (authored by mlaurent).
Make it compile without deprecated methods