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Mar 18 2024
See T7046 for the release info. Note that the mentioned fix for kwallet already landed.
Mar 14 2024
Mar 8 2024
I still need to land the fix for the kwallet problem, but that can be done first thing monday so nothing that really blocks a release
I had a look at the open tasks for pinentry(-qt) and didn't see anything that we should address before doing a release. @werner?
Mar 7 2024
I should say: I can ship a snapshot in Gentoo if that's okay, but I'd prefer not to.
Nov 2 2022
Aug 24 2022
Aug 19 2022
Thanks for reporting and testing my fixes.
Aug 18 2022
Our tests are fine as of rM2e7a61b898fc.
It will be a lot of work to change this in gpg. Thus ISO dates were only introduced with gpgsm after the former glibc maintainer refused to switch to a 64 bit time_t - which would have been easy enough at that time (about the year 2001).
Yes, it's a problem in gpg. gpg asks for the expiration date of the subkey
[ 277s] EditInteractor: 4 -> nextState( GET_LINE, keygen.valid ) -> 5
gpgme replies with an ISO date
[ 277s] EditInteractor: action result "21000101T120000"
Then gpg asks again for the expiration date
[ 277s] EditInteractor: 5 -> nextState( GET_LINE, keygen.valid ) -> 4294967295
which gpgme doesn't expect, so that gpgme return a "general error".
Aug 17 2022
Thanks! It seems that we pass the correct expiration date to gpg:
EditInteractor: action result "21000101T120000"
So, it's maybe a problem in gpg now.
[ 274s] + pushd lang/qt/tests
Hmm. Please run the test with
GPGMEPP_INTERACTOR_DEBUG=stderr GPGME_DEBUG=8 TESTS="initial.test t-addexistingsubkey final.test" make -e check-TESTS
in lang/qt/tests under the build folder to get (a lot of) debug output.
WIP with those three patches:
There is a reason that we switched to ISO Date strings in large parts of GnuPG ;-)
Aug 16 2022
Sep 17 2021
I see, I wasn't aware of this. Thanks for fixing!
Thanks for commenting. I close this bug then.
Sep 16 2021
Your proposed fix (in your first comment) has actually already been applied (commit 1305baf0994059f458b1d5ca28a355c12932fab3 in master, backported to the -2.2 branch in 455ba49071dea7588c9de11785b3092e45e4560b). It is part of gnupg-2.2.31 released today. :)
The Qt upstream bug report has just been rejected. I hope something can be done here...
Aug 13 2021
Aug 9 2021
Yeah, that sounds good to me.
Aug 8 2021
In T5551#148510, @werner wrote:I would prefer to see a fix/hack in pinentry-qt instead.
Aug 6 2021
I see. Thanks!
To minimize the risk of regressions.
Not to be bothersome, but why? DISPLAY seems like the universal method of selecting a display to put things on, where a lot of applications don't support --display or equivalent, especially now there's no equivalent for wayland. It's especially confusing to me when the keep-display option will pass DISPLAY instead of --display. This would also prevent other such scenarios with 3rd party qt/gtk plugins or alternative pinentry implementations.
Jun 24 2021
Feb 18 2021
Feb 17 2021
Nov 18 2020
Fixed. Workaround for gpgme 1.15 (and earlier) implemented in Kleopatra: Do not call setRemark() with an empty QString.
I think Kleopatra is affected. It calls setRemark() on the job unconditionally with the text from the widget, and I'm pretty sure that this text is empty but not a null QString, if the user doesn't enter a remark.
Ingo, can you please check? I guess we are not affected because Kleo already checks for an empty string. But dkg's suggestion sounds good to me.
Jan 24 2019
The problem only occurs with the gtk platformtheme.
Jan 9 2019
I sent a message to gnupg-devel about this issue as it will probably hit more people now that the keys used are expired :-(
Oh,.. it is even worse. The conflict keys expired 2019-01-06 so they are actually expired right now.
I don't know why @BenM closed this bug given that he mentioned that the qt part is yet not solved.
Jan 8 2019
We've run into the testTofuConflict failure on NixOS. gpgme v1.12, gnupg v2.2.12.
Dec 10 2018
Though apparently resolved back in May, this is what ultimately led to T4191 and was thus only properly resolved quite recently.
May 5 2018
The Python portion of this is done, the tests will now create a key with an expiration a few years shy of the 2106 end date (NYE 2099).
May 3 2018
Apr 26 2018
Not to mention making sure we test for a time after the end of the old 32-bit clock.
Apr 17 2018
Ben: We need to use a faked system time thing to make those tests more stable.
Mar 21 2018
Feb 28 2018
Sep 26 2017
Aug 10 2017
Mar 30 2017
Jan 2 2017
The patch works. There's 1 more issue that's been standing for a bit longer already,
and that you might want to tackle at the same time: there's no argp.h header on Mac.
On Linux it is only a problem with the headers (e.g. the -dev) Package as the
That's actually an orthogonal issue, and one that's probably easier to rectify as any
changes only become apparent when dependent software is being built.
libraries have different soversions
This is also the case on Mac, but the link library doesn't have a soversion. It's
called or libqgpgme.dylib .
There is of course the option to rename just that symlink. A bit of a hack, but one
that's relevant only during the link step, when dependent software is being rebuilt.
How does MacPorts handle this in general? IMO this is not a (q)gpgme(++)
specific problem as you will have this problem with each ABI break.
MacPorts does many things like they're done on more traditional *n*x desktops, i.e.
install libraries in a central, shared location (--prefix=/opt/local by default).
There is nothing specific it does to handle ABI breaks; they can hold up an upgrade,
or a patch is applied at some level, or a conflict is registered. Sadly there is no
central way to create -dev packages, which doesn't help here.
E.g. when we
break the ABI in QGpgME libqt5qgpgme.dylib may be incompatible and we would need
a new name.
That I don't see. The problem here isn't so much the ABI break compared to the
version shipped by kdepimlibs4, but the fact that an incompatible Qt version is used.
So no, a SOVERSION=8 upgrade doesn't impose a library name change. Cf. Poppler and
its Qt backends; they're called libpoppler-qt4 and libpoppler-qt5 .
An alternative would be to do like QCA: install the library wherever Qt's own
libraries are installed. That automatically resolves the conflict with the old
version included with kdepimlibs4, and might be less disruptive for existing
distribution packages.
It's not only the build system but the code using QGpgME / GpgME++ will be more
complex as they would need to have feature checks for both the QGpgME version
What I had in mind was a build system that refuses to do a mismatching build of QpgME
X.Y.Z against GpgME++ that's not X.Y.Z . If you don't do runtime checks there's no
guarantee anyway beyond what the dynamic linker can give, I think. Distributions can
build QpgME and only bundle the QpgME bits, and then install that against any GpgME
install. I've done that for a bit with QpgME 1.7.x against QpgME++ 1.8.0, and didn't
run into any issues.
You could probably even argue that people would be less likely to try this kind of
things if the build system gave off a big hint that they really shouldn't be doing
that. It's not like it's particularly difficult to install only QpgME, after all.
thanks for your feedback.
Regarding library suffix in the cmake config files, sorry about that I forgot
MacOS ;-) can you please test the attached patch (macos-cmake-config-fix.diff)
that reintroduces libsuffix to distinguish between macos and linux?
QGpgME builds libqgpme, preserving the same name as the library that used to
be built by kdepimlibs4.
There was a discussion after the 1.7.0 release about this. In summary: I agree
that we should have changed the name to avoid this conflicts, but we think that
it's now too late to do that as we want to avoid additional hassle for packages.
On Linux it is only a problem with the headers (e.g. the -dev) Package as the
libraries have different soversions. On Windows it's not a problem at all as the
Application ships the library it requires.
Is this something that might be considered upstream, e.g. for 1.8.1, possibly as
a build option? I realise this may not be something that has already come up on
Linux desktops but it's likely to do so in other distribution systems; it is
blocking us in MacPorts at this moment, for instance.
How does MacPorts handle this in general? IMO this is not a (q)gpgme(++)
specific problem as you will have this problem with each ABI break. E.g. when we
break the ABI in QGpgME libqt5qgpgme.dylib may be incompatible and we would need
a new name.
On Linux we have soversion and on Windows and MacOS imo usally the libraries are
shipped with the Application. But on MacPorts how does this work?
It will probably a bit more complex to maintain the buildsystem because you'd
want to exclude builds against mismatching qgpgme versions, but when done that
should be all, no?
It's not only the build system but the code using QGpgME / GpgME++ will be more
complex as they would need to have feature checks for both the QGpgME version
and the GPGME version to determine which features are available. This was a huge
hassle in the old days and one of the reasons we wanted to move them closer
together so that you can rely on the API once you have a minimum required version.
See e.g.:;a=commitdiff;h=433bb8e84b2d1e50b5c5b9f7f2006b60cd7d7785
That removed lots of these feature checks.
Dec 21 2016
Aside from the required build system changes we wil run into problems evaluating
bug reports.
It will probably a bit more complex to maintain the buildsystem because you'd
want to exclude builds against mismatching qgpgme versions, but when done that
should be all, no?
It's just a bit a pity that you have to build all of the cpp bindings again if
you just want to build the Qt bindings.