I have installed GPG4WIN 3.0.0 (GPGOL 2.0.1) on 6.10.2017. I used earlier version before. When I receive a signed email from a colleague I see that the mail is security level 4 because it is accepted by myself (no official key)
The problem is: When I try to move the mail it won't work. It just stays in the Inbox (removiong works, though).
GPG4OL runs in an company environment with a Zimbra collaboration server backend (MAPI). We have different Outlook clients, I use Outlook 2010 with newest updates on Win10/x64 (also up-to-date).
When I activate logging I see the following trace when clicking on an signed mail from a colleague (clicking on it for the second time):
`wagner@winwagner MINGW32 /C/TEMP
$ tail -f gpgol.log
11:10:16/3148/windowmessages.cpp:gpgol_window_proc: Recieved user msg: 1
11:10:16/3148/windowmessages.cpp:gpgol_window_proc: Invalidating UI
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:gpgoladdin_invalidate_ui: Invalidating ribbon: 149EE358
11:10:16/3148/windowmessages.cpp:gpgol_window_proc: Invalidation done
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:GetIDsOfNames: GetIDsOfNames for: getSigLabel
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:Invoke: enter with dispid: 1b
11:10:16/3148/ribbon-callbacks.cpp:getContext: contextObj: _Explorer
11:10:16/3148/oomhelp.cpp:get_unique_id: Found uid '8264760c-d457-411f-b083-ad15efae30c0' for '02F45CD0'
11:10:16/3148/mail.cpp:level_4_check: classified SebXXXXXX WaXXXX <SebXXXXXX .WaXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> as ultimate because it was signed by uid SebXXXXXX WaXXXX <SebXXXXXX.WaXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> of key XXXXXXXXXXXX
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:GetIDsOfNames: GetIDsOfNames for: btnSigstateLarge
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:Invoke: enter with dispid: 1d
11:10:16/3148/ribbon-callbacks.cpp:getContext: contextObj: _Explorer
11:10:16/3148/oomhelp.cpp:get_unique_id: Found uid '8264760c-d457-411f-b083-ad15efae30c0' for '02F469B0'
11:10:16/3148/mail.cpp:level_4_check: classified SebXXXXXX WaXXXX <SebXXXXXX.WaXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> as ultimate because it was signed by uid SebXXXXXX WaXXXX <SebXXXXXX.WaXXXX@XXXXXXXXXXXXXX> of key XXXXXXXXXXXXXX
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:GetIDsOfNames: GetIDsOfNames for: getIsDetailsEnabled
11:10:16/3148/gpgoladdin.cpp:Invoke: enter with dispid: 13
11:10:16/3148/ribbon-callbacks.cpp:getContext: contextObj: _Explorer
11:10:16/3148/oomhelp.cpp:get_unique_id: Found uid '8264760c-d457-411f-b083-ad15efae30c0' for '02F45CD0'
When I am trying to move the mail to another folder /drag and drop or via context-menu) I get only (nothing more):
11:14:07/3148/mailitem-events.cpp:Invoke: Canceling write event.
Btw. Side-findings: when a logfile is set up in registry in a nonexisting directory, the plugin will crash and Outlook asks for disabeling it.