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Jun 1 2021

gniibe added a comment to T5460: Migration for ABI change (newer mingw).

Ah, I realized that the build for sqlite3 in Speedo has a patch using -static-libgcc.

Jun 1 2021, 10:05 AM · gpg4win, Windows
werner added a project to T5460: Migration for ABI change (newer mingw): gpg4win.

We use libgcc_s_sjlj-1.dll only for for gpg4win's C++ code which is gpgme's c++ binding and the Qt stuff.

Jun 1 2021, 8:48 AM · gpg4win, Windows
gniibe updated the task description for T5460: Migration for ABI change (newer mingw).
Jun 1 2021, 6:14 AM · gpg4win, Windows
gniibe created T5460: Migration for ABI change (newer mingw).
Jun 1 2021, 6:12 AM · gpg4win, Windows

May 19 2021

werner added a comment to T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card.

Funny thing is that I can't replicate it anymore with the current version (2.2.18-beta77). I tested it on two machines and things just worked. One machine had just one reader and the other had several virtual readers in addition to the scr3500. After adding --reader-port for the latter it worked as well. I don't think I had a Windows update in the meantime.

May 19 2021, 11:46 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report

May 11 2021

gniibe added a comment to T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card.

On Windows, smartcard is also used by logon/logout and certificates handling. Those may be related.

May 11 2021, 3:47 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report

May 10 2021

werner assigned T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card to gniibe.

(I disabled the account of this boor)

May 10 2021, 6:43 PM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report
gillcovid19 placed T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card up for grabs.
May 10 2021, 12:42 PM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report
werner triaged T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card as High priority.
May 10 2021, 8:51 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report
werner added a comment to T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card.

I don't think that it is --pcsc-shared related; Andre reported that he noticed such a behaviour before we introduced this.

May 10 2021, 8:49 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report
gniibe claimed T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card.

I wonder if PCSC_SHARE_SHARED is related or not.

May 10 2021, 6:32 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report
gniibe created T5428: PC/SC detecting removal of card.
May 10 2021, 5:40 AM · Info Needed, Windows, scd, Bug Report

Apr 23 2021

gniibe closed T5408: gpgconf should? not list disabled components as Resolved.
Apr 23 2021, 4:20 AM · Bug Report, Windows, gnupg (gpg23)

Apr 22 2021

werner triaged T5408: gpgconf should? not list disabled components as Normal priority.

Given that we don't yet support TPM for Windows you should go ahead and apply this patch. tpm should also be removed from the list of components.

Apr 22 2021, 8:33 AM · Bug Report, Windows, gnupg (gpg23)

Apr 15 2021

werner triaged T5364: Kleopatra won't start as Normal priority.

gpg4win 3.1 has no full Unicode support. You may try to install the new GnuPG 2.3 version on top of gpg4win to fix this problem or wait until we have releases gpg4win 4 which will come with GnuPG 2.3.

Apr 15 2021, 9:14 AM · workaround, gnupg, Windows, kleopatra, Bug Report, gpg4win

Mar 28 2021

werner closed T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken as Resolved.
Mar 28 2021, 7:18 PM · Windows, gnupg
werner added a comment to T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken.

yep, Should be fixed in libgpg-error/src/w32-gettext.c unless we want a way to retrieve the meat data. We can also and faster fix this in gnupg proper.

Mar 28 2021, 10:32 AM · Windows, gnupg

Mar 25 2021

ikloecker added a comment to T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken.

Example from gpg.c:

ARGPARSE_s_n (oQuiet,	  "quiet",   N_("be somewhat more quiet")),
ARGPARSE_s_n (oNoGreeting, "no-greeting", "@"),

The quiet option has a human readable description, but the no-greeting option does not have one. Consequently, gpgconf --list-options gpg gives the following result:

quiet:0:0:be somewhat more quiet:0:0::::
Mar 25 2021, 5:15 PM · Windows, gnupg
ikloecker added a comment to T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken.

For comparison, on an English Linux system the options also look wrong, i.e. all options that are problematic in the German translation are "raw" option names enclosed in double quotes. It seems that the untranslated description of the options is already missing.

Mar 25 2021, 5:04 PM · Windows, gnupg
aheinecke added a comment to T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken.

Btw this only occurs for some options:

Mar 25 2021, 3:16 PM · Windows, gnupg
aheinecke triaged T5363: GnuPG 2.3 Windows localized gpgconf output broken as Normal priority.
Mar 25 2021, 3:14 PM · Windows, gnupg

Mar 5 2021

werner closed T4365: Encoding problem: gpg truncates multibyte characters in interactive prompts on Windows as Resolved.

That it. Things works nicely for me. Won't be backported to 2.2 because this introduces minor changes in the behaviour.

Mar 5 2021, 3:50 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg23), Bug Report

Mar 2 2021

werner changed the status of T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System from Open to Testing.
Mar 2 2021, 7:33 PM · Restricted Project, gpgol, S/MIME, gpg4win, Windows
werner added a comment to T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System.

Well, this is a pure Windows bug. It easily shows up when running dozens of gpgsm processes each importing a different certificate (e.g. using Kleopatra's current importer, which spawns one process per cert). The only possible fix is to close all files before starting a long running operation *and* before locking the files.

Mar 2 2021, 7:33 PM · Restricted Project, gpgol, S/MIME, gpg4win, Windows

Mar 1 2021

werner updated subscribers of T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System.

@rjh reported a problem with keyboxd from the current 2.3 beta on the ML. This is also a locking problem and _might_ be related to this bug.

Mar 1 2021, 10:51 AM · Restricted Project, gpgol, S/MIME, gpg4win, Windows

Feb 10 2021

werner added a parent task for T4365: Encoding problem: gpg truncates multibyte characters in interactive prompts on Windows: T4398: Rework Console and command line handling on Windows.
Feb 10 2021, 2:59 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg23), Bug Report
werner lowered the priority of T4338: gpg-agent fails to start on Windows if GNUPGHOME is longer than 80 characters from Normal to Low.
Feb 10 2021, 11:32 AM · Windows, gpgagent, Bug Report

Jan 12 2021

werner added a project to T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System: Restricted Project.
Jan 12 2021, 12:18 PM · Restricted Project, gpgol, S/MIME, gpg4win, Windows
aheinecke reopened T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System as "Open".

Reopening this as I have seen such hangs multiple times during testing. When importing multiple keys with Kleopatra at once this can be reproduced sometimes.

Jan 12 2021, 12:16 PM · Restricted Project, gpgol, S/MIME, gpg4win, Windows

Jan 11 2021

werner created T5235: Delays in dirmngr http connections on Windows.
Jan 11 2021, 8:52 PM · can't replicate, dirmngr, ntbtls, Windows, gnupg (gpg22)

Jan 8 2021

werner closed T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented as Resolved.

Thanks for your answers. If you see another problem with kleopatra, please test the latest Kleopatra version which we will release the next days.

Jan 8 2021, 10:01 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
Chris91 added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.
  1. I created another handful of key pairs and tested around. However, I could not recreate the problem now. I can store the secret key in Kleopatra, but the file differs from the backup key. It seems to be a stub indeed. And even if I want to perform an operation directly in Kleopatra, the smartcard is requested.
Jan 8 2021, 12:40 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)

Jan 7 2021

Chris91 added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

Why do you think you can still export more than a stub key?

Jan 7 2021, 7:06 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
werner added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

The listing shows that the private keys are stored on a card ("sec>", "ssb>"). Why do you think you can still export more than a stub key? If I export a test key (just the primary key in this case) and run "gpg --show-keys" on the exported file I get the expected "sec>" marker. Looking with --list-packets at it we get:

Jan 7 2021, 6:30 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
Chris91 added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

The exact commands given and the output. Adding -v is always helpful.

Jan 7 2021, 6:04 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
Chris91 added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

Hi, I'm the user that reported this bug.

Jan 7 2021, 6:03 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
werner added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

On Thu, 7 Jan 2021 09:56, bernhard (Bernhard Reiter) said:

Jan 7 2021, 1:20 PM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
bernhard added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

The user reported to

Jan 7 2021, 10:56 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
bernhard updated the task description for T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.
Jan 7 2021, 10:52 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
werner added a comment to T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.

Please describe exactly what you did so that we can replicate this.

Jan 7 2021, 10:04 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)
bernhard created T5218: keytocard does not remove secret key as documented.
Jan 7 2021, 9:54 AM · Windows, gnupg (gpg22)

Jan 6 2021

rupor-github added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

I wrote to simplify usage on Windows until this issue is resolved - it handles various edge cases on Windows.

Jan 6 2021, 7:25 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Jan 5 2021

werner closed T5107: GPA Importing encrypted files and Public keys as Invalid.
Jan 5 2021, 9:25 AM · No Response, Windows, gpa, Bug Report

Dec 10 2020

werner triaged T5173: GPA Could not show link as Normal priority.
Dec 10 2020, 11:32 AM · gpa, Windows, Bug Report
werner added projects to T5173: GPA Could not show link: Windows, gpa.
Dec 10 2020, 11:32 AM · gpa, Windows, Bug Report

Nov 27 2020

werner closed T4427: Windows 10 update KB4489899 stops gpg-agent launching as Resolved.

No more problems reported, so I assume like @aheinecke that it has been resolved in Windows.

Nov 27 2020, 6:36 PM · Info Needed, Windows, gpgagent, Bug Report

Nov 23 2020

werner added a project to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances.: Info Needed.
Nov 23 2020, 1:48 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report

Nov 18 2020

werner added a comment to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.

It was a bunch or work and we are still not able to pass Unicode strings on the command line. Will eventually be done. At least people in Asia can now use their regular Windows account with gpg.

Nov 18 2020, 10:41 AM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
bernhard added a comment to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.

Thanks Werner! Seems like an important step!

Nov 18 2020, 9:16 AM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Nov 17 2020

werner closed T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names as Resolved.
Nov 17 2020, 11:31 AM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Nov 16 2020

gniibe closed T4624: libassuan-config and libassuan.pc both put -lws2_32 before -lgpg-error, which fails during static linking as Resolved.
Nov 16 2020, 7:29 AM · Restricted Project, Windows, libassuan, Bug Report
gniibe closed T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem as Resolved.
Nov 16 2020, 7:29 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows

Nov 2 2020

werner added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

No, overlapped I/O is not used. OVL is just a zeroed out memory area and thus hHandle is NULL. Errors are of course checked.

Nov 2 2020, 4:38 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report

Oct 28 2020

werner merged T5087: Not possible to create a new key into T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 28 2020, 10:21 AM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Oct 23 2020

werner changed the status of T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names from Open to Testing.

Backported to 2.2. Note that an updated libgcrypt is also required (for 2.2 and master)

Oct 23 2020, 1:45 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
werner changed Version from 3.1.13 to 2.2.23 on T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 23 2020, 1:39 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Oct 21 2020

werner added a comment to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.

All right, using the current master a Windows user with a Unicode name (e.g. Ⓐlfred E. Neumann) is now able to use gpg properly. Quite a lot of changes were required and backported to 2.2 will also be some work. More testing is of course required. Note that libassuan needs to be taken from Git until we have done a new release.

Oct 21 2020, 5:06 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Oct 19 2020

irelam66 updated the task description for T5107: GPA Importing encrypted files and Public keys.
Oct 19 2020, 7:20 PM · No Response, Windows, gpa, Bug Report
werner merged T5106: Agent fails to access private keys from path containing non-ascii characters on Windows into T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 19 2020, 1:24 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
werner merged task T5106: Agent fails to access private keys from path containing non-ascii characters on Windows into T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 19 2020, 1:24 PM · Windows, Bug Report
werner added a comment to T5106: Agent fails to access private keys from path containing non-ascii characters on Windows.

See also T5098 - I am sorry for this regression. We are working on a fix.

Oct 19 2020, 1:24 PM · Windows, Bug Report
werner edited projects for T5107: GPA Importing encrypted files and Public keys, added: gpa, Windows; removed gpg4win.

Which version of Gpg4win did you install, from where, and which OS version are you using? Why did you install gpg4win at a non-default location?

Oct 19 2020, 1:19 PM · No Response, Windows, gpa, Bug Report

Oct 18 2020

jibsen created T5106: Agent fails to access private keys from path containing non-ascii characters on Windows.
Oct 18 2020, 3:11 PM · Windows, Bug Report

Oct 7 2020

bernhard added a comment to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.

Thanks for the quick analysis.

Oct 7 2020, 8:52 AM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Oct 6 2020

werner edited projects for T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names, added: gnupg (gpg22); removed gnupg.
Oct 6 2020, 9:30 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
aheinecke assigned T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names to werner.

We understand the problem, it's a regression from August. For T4083 we changed an internal function to better work with Windows UTF-16 filenames in preperation to at some point fully support UTF-16 and only use the wide character functions as system calls.
But that broke places where internally the local 8 bit encoding was still used.

Oct 6 2020, 4:09 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
bernhard updated the task description for T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 6 2020, 3:13 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
aheinecke triaged T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names as High priority.

I can reproduce this.

Oct 6 2020, 3:11 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
bernhard added a comment to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.

The umlaut is displayed incorrectly on the command line ( when the keybox file is created.
(This may or may not be relevant.)

Oct 6 2020, 3:06 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
bernhard changed External Link from to on T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names.
Oct 6 2020, 3:04 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows
bernhard added projects to T5098: Gpg4win problems for Windows Users with some non-ASCII account names: Windows, gnupg.
Oct 6 2020, 3:02 PM · gnupg (gpg22), Windows

Oct 1 2020

bvieira added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

@werner can you confirm if the environment I provided will work with OpenSSH support fully implemented?

Oct 1 2020, 5:49 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Sep 28 2020

CaveTheCave added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

With all respect. Should I wait for a follow-up or I should consider this case as closed?

Sep 28 2020, 8:57 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report

Sep 16 2020

CaveTheCave added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

Please note that:

  • There is a single user accessing the socket dir (which is the same as the homedir).
  • The socketdir (homedir) is not in a local directory. It is in another file system accessed via the SMB protocol, with a command such as:
gpg --homedir "//$/gpghomedir" ...
Sep 16 2020, 8:33 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report
CaveTheCave added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

From the '&ovl' I assume that the lock file has been opened for overlapped IO.
Please see an extract from MSDN for the LockFileEx function:

Sep 16 2020, 5:03 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report
werner added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

We need to figure out why the file locks seem not to work. gpg-agent processes whatch there own socket and terminate if that socket does not belong to them anymore.

Sep 16 2020, 8:10 AM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report
CaveTheCave added a comment to T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances..

Yes it is the windows version. It occurs both in Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016.
What I notice is that a gpg-agent is started, then after some time another one is started and the previous ends (presumably because it has lost the socket), etc. At any point in time, I can see only one agent instance running in the task manager, but with different process ids.

Sep 16 2020, 6:57 AM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report

Sep 15 2020

werner triaged T5069: Concurrent auto-start of gpg-agent by multiple gpg instances. as Normal priority.

I assume this is the Windows version. gpg uses a locking mechanism to avoid creating several gpg-agent processes. In the worst case this may take quite some time until one of the processes can get the lock. There is an exponential backoff scheme in use and I have not yet found a way to replicate the full deadlock you describe. It would be helpful if you could describe in more detail how you run into this case.

Sep 15 2020, 9:35 PM · Not A Bug, No Response, Info Needed, gnupg (gpg22), Windows, Bug Report

Sep 4 2020

bvieira added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

So, if there's no support for native OpenSSH yet, I'll wait for it. After it's supported, I should be able to get the scenery I described working, right?

Sep 4 2020, 1:52 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh
werner added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

Unfortunately you can't pass extra arguments.

Sep 4 2020, 7:47 AM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Sep 3 2020

gpguser123 added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

@bvieira You need to set pinentry-mode=loopback for gpg program used in git.

Sep 3 2020, 4:22 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Sep 2 2020

bvieira added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

I'm actually trying to do the following:

Sep 2 2020, 2:10 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh
avemilia added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

In the meantime you can use [0]. I have tested with ssh key on yubikey and AuthenticationMethods publickey, win32-ssh (or ssh-portable, which is the new repository name) correctly works with gpg and pinentry is called. Despite it being called wsl, wsl environment is not required.

Sep 2 2020, 1:59 PM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Jul 30 2020

gniibe changed the status of T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem from Open to Testing.

Pushed modified patch to master and 2.2.

Jul 30 2020, 8:27 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows

Jul 29 2020

aheinecke added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

That patch fixes the build problem I got into today when trying to build 2.3 for windows. So ? from me and please commit the patch as it is already required when assuan and gpgrt config no longer emit ws2_32 in their pgk-config --libs line.

Jul 29 2020, 1:20 PM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
aheinecke closed T4623: pkg-config for mingw needs to emit -lws2_32 as Resolved.

I just saw that there is related discussion and a patch for this in T4994 so I will close again here.

Jul 29 2020, 1:17 PM · Restricted Project, Windows, gpgrt, Bug Report
aheinecke reopened T4623: pkg-config for mingw needs to emit -lws2_32 as "Open".

This change broke for me the compilation of GPGME which I fixed with: 52f930c1ed7eee6336a41598c90ef3605b7ed02b I found that fix there OK because GPGME explicitly uses ws2_32.

Jul 29 2020, 1:08 PM · Restricted Project, Windows, gpgrt, Bug Report
gniibe added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Linking $(NETLIB) is required when the executable uses WSAStartup.

Jul 29 2020, 10:28 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows

Jul 20 2020

bvieira added a comment to T3883: Add Win32-OpenSSH support to gpg-agent's ssh-agent.

Any news on this?

Jul 20 2020, 12:48 AM · Not A Bug, workaround, gnupg24, Windows, ssh

Jul 17 2020

gniibe triaged T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem as Normal priority.

I just learned that WSAStartup can be called multiple times. So, it doesn't cause any erroneous behavior which I had been afraid of.

Jul 17 2020, 11:33 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
werner added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Thanks for looking into this. However, I do not understand the problem behind it. Is it the need to link against the socket lib? 10 or 15 years ago things were more complicated because two TCP stacks were in use and you could use the modern one only if a certain service pack or Explorer version was installed. That might be the reasons for some of the peculiarities we have in the code.

Jul 17 2020, 10:44 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
gniibe added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Given the situation we have call of WSAStartup in assuan_sock_init (for Windows), the solution would be:

  • Removal of call of WSAStartup in _init_common_subsystems
  • Even though it is not needed for POSIX system and it is only needed to call WAStartup on Windows, calling assuan_sock_init from each application (including gpg, gpgsm, dirmngr/dirmngr-client, and tools/* which uses libassuan), would be the solution (not perfect one, though, because it allocates sock_ctx)
Jul 17 2020, 4:32 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
gniibe added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Sorry, I was confused by assuan_socket_ API and assuan_sock_ API.

Jul 17 2020, 2:35 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows

Jul 16 2020

werner added a project to T3957: GPGME: mkdefsinc segfaults on windows: unreproducible.
Jul 16 2020, 3:29 PM · unreproducible, toolchain, Documentation, Windows, gpgme
werner closed T3957: GPGME: mkdefsinc segfaults on windows as Invalid.

No info received

Jul 16 2020, 3:27 PM · unreproducible, toolchain, Documentation, Windows, gpgme
werner closed T3515: Gpg4win: Gpgconf used to open "windows" and slows down kleo startup as Resolved.

I am not any longer interested to see the real cause; eventually we will replace it anyway with a modern CreateProcess.

Jul 16 2020, 3:19 PM · Windows, gpgme
gniibe added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Here are the fixes:

diff --git a/common/init.c b/common/init.c
index 073c5cd8a..dbdf40527 100644
--- a/common/init.c
+++ b/common/init.c
@@ -161,17 +161,6 @@ _init_common_subsystems (gpg_err_source_t errsource, int *argcp, char ***argvp)
   /* Try to auto set the character set.  */
   set_native_charset (NULL);
Jul 16 2020, 6:43 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
gniibe added a comment to T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.

Call of WSAStartup in dirmngr/http.c is no problem, as we define HTTP_NO_WSASTARTUP.

Jul 16 2020, 6:22 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
gniibe updated the task description for T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem.
Jul 16 2020, 6:18 AM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Windows
gniibe added a comment to T4624: libassuan-config and libassuan.pc both put -lws2_32 before -lgpg-error, which fails during static linking.

This fix reveals the problem of: T4994: Windows: assuan_sock_init or WSAStartup by main/_init_common_subsystem

Jul 16 2020, 3:11 AM · Restricted Project, Windows, libassuan, Bug Report