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- User Since
- Mar 22 2018, 3:58 PM (362 w, 3 d)
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Jan 19 2021
Ok, I found the message and tried some opening and clicking around w/o any crashes. But back then I also couldn't reproduce it. Please close the issue. I'll ask for reopening if I ever come across it once more. Thanks for your good work!
Jan 12 2021
That would mean I could remember the exact problem. Can you extract the mail name from my logs? I should still have it...
Jun 2 2020
no prob
Dec 6 2019
Oct 18 2019
Still unresolved...
Aug 22 2019
With me it happens all the time: Outlook 2013 x64 is half-maximized at
right border, and GPG asks for the passphrase on sending a mail from the
inline editor, on Windows 7 x64, then it always happens.
Jun 24 2019
I just received answer that this is still a problem in the current release.
Jun 18 2019
I noticed it happens after entering the passphrase, and only using the
inline editor to answer.
Jun 11 2019
Hi Andre,
Mar 22 2019
Yeah, that worked halfways. Meaning, if I try to send the forwarded mail
from inline / reader / docked mode, the Button lights up but no sending
happens. If I send it from undocked window, it works and the original
problem doesn't happen.
Mar 15 2019
Additionally that workaround is a bad idea because on closing Outlook it
leads to the GPG4Win error "Not all plain text could be removed, it's
possible that plain text from decrypted mails was transferred to your
server." (roughly remembered text-wise)
Mar 1 2019
Feb 28 2019
The other option would also work for me. Thank you!
Feb 22 2019
Dec 10 2018
Hi, it's OpenPGP and the same Exchange server. Perhaps it has to do with
the "Unterhaltungsmodus" from the error message.
Dec 5 2018
Nov 28 2018
This is a new bug, I believe, but perhaps it only appears with "broken"
S/MIME-messages of this type, So I'll first post it here:
fine with me
Nov 27 2018
Ok, with the beta gpgol the mail is successfully decrypted. This is the debug.log:
Nov 26 2018
additional info: I have their certificate(s) and sending encrypted mails to them is successful.
I forgot the debug log:
Nov 19 2018
You are right that Outlook behaves normally if debugging is deactivated.
I had major problems with 3.1.4 and never used it until 3.1.5 came
along, so I guess it might be an existing problem.
Nov 5 2018
Yes, I also can't decrypt the files there. As Outlook warns about
restricting access to attachments and active contents, the reason is
clear. The mail must be moved elsewhere.
Oct 19 2018
With Gpg4win 3.1.4 and the two blocking options, searching for any name in Inbox, entering more than 2 letters will crash Outlook 100%.
Oct 18 2018
My pic didn't appear inline, so I'll add it again as attachment
maybe a setting is also involved. marking the mail in the Junk folder gives:
Oct 17 2018
Oct 15 2018
I could reproduce it at first, but when trying to make a screenshot clip
from that, I couldn't reproduce it any more, no matter what. It's either
gone (mail server update?) or needs a very specific sequence of events
that is quite unlikely.
Sep 24 2018
That may be true, my Outlook crashes more often. Especially when dealing
with incoming S/MIME-signed mails!
T4129 is also a duplicate.
Sep 20 2018
Sep 14 2018
Perhaps it happens because I'm asking for "Lesebestätigungen" along all mails? But still the icons for signing should not be gone!
I also have these seldom freezings. Any log / tracker I could activate that would help you?
Aug 13 2018
With certified keys the automation is working as expected.
Aug 9 2018
The option you mean is "Disable non-blocking encrypt / sign", correct?
It's english in the german dialogue, btw.
no. Outlook 2013 reproducably crashes on sending and won't toggle
encryption on.
Aug 8 2018
But can't I simply use the keys in my local keyring?
I downloaded GPGwin v3.1.3 beta 20 today. The automatic key fetching fails in my case because we have no WKS. Never heard of that before.
Jul 4 2018
Hi Andre,
Jun 21 2018
Am 21.06.2018 um 10:31 schrieb aheinecke (Andre Heinecke):
aheinecke added a comment.
Beware: Beta-7 was bad timing, yesterday I was in the middle of
implementing T3999 and broke the
internal keycache. If you use "Empfängerschlüssel automatisch
auflösen" please switch back to a different GpgOL Version. I might
upload a new Beta soon but for now I've removed Beta-7. Automatic
resolution will not work with that version and can lead to crashes.*TASK DETAIL**EMAIL PREFERENCES**To: *aheinecke
*Cc: *aheinecke, JJworx, Rafixmod, ccharabaruk, Mak, gp_ast
This is an automated email from the GnuPG development hub. If you have
registered in the past at your account was
migrated automatically. You can visit to set a
new password and update your email preferences.
Jun 20 2018
Yes, that did the trick for me!
Yes, definitely the real reason is in the inline editor.
May 29 2018
This is well-known and can't be changed without a lot of hassle. There is a work-around:
- Deselect the mail by selecting another mail.
- Drag-n-drop the mail to be moved.
Apr 12 2018
Apr 11 2018
You are right in that enigmail uses no-auto-check-trustdb
As far as I understand your comment there is already a timeout of 15s per connection. But as you wrote, it doesn't fit all cases. In my case, gpg.exe just stayed open indefinitely.
Apr 9 2018
In fact, renumbering of attachments happens also by just viewing them repeatedly. This likely causes multiple copies somewhere, reducing disk space.
Apr 4 2018
Mar 29 2018
I can verify the problem will be solved with 3.1.0, this can be closed.
Mar 28 2018
Mr. Heinecke, to make sure, please note that despite the thread title these crashes happened with 3.1.0. beta 38. It would be sad if you do all of the tests and checks with 3.0.3
Funny thing, it worked for some time, now it's reproducably crashing again. This might be the better log file.
So, this is tested with 3.1.0 beta 38, reproducable crash
I answered by mail in this fashion: