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- User Since
- Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (414 w, 2 d)
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- Available
Mar 27 2024
Fixed in 24.02.2
After much investigation and debugging it turned out the problem really was that KOrganizer was hiding declined and unanswered invitations. Fixed already in master and 24.02.
Feb 5 2024
Jan 15 2024
I encouraged Eva to create this ticket. While the specific case described here might be fixed in current master, the attachment handling still has issues.
Jan 5 2024
Fix back in October, will be released in 24.02 megarelease.
Dec 18 2023
Could you share what IMAP server software do you run personally and in the office (probably Dovecot or Cyrus IMAP?).
Dec 15 2023
Is there also a web interface for the mail server? It would be useful to be able to check what's the read/unread status on the server.
Also, are you using the "Ignore thread" function?
Can you be more specific how much is "many messages"? Is it tens, hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands? :)
Dec 4 2023
Requests to be able to migrate to SQLite without losing data/configuration has been requested multiple times since we blogged about the improvements in SQLite support.
Dec 1 2023
Nov 19 2023
Just my five cents:
Nov 11 2023
MRs for reference:
Oct 31 2023
I have a NextCloud instance where I can simulate a bunch of users sharing calendars to investigate and test this.
The difference is that you can have an event in your calendar that you are neither an organizer or an attendee (think someone forwards you an invite) yet you will likely still want to receive a reminder for that.
Oct 29 2023
Makes total sense, but I'd like to think about a more general approach if possible - what e.g. Google or Outlook do when you add someone else's shared calendar is they don't send you invite for their events either. But it's not because they wouldn't notify you about events where you are not an organizer, because in many cases you are just an attendee of someone else's meeting in your own calendar and you definitely want to get reminders for those.
You are right this looks like a bug in libical. I tried to downgrade to 3.0.16 but still can't reproduce the crash. But I also noticed that the line numbers from your backtrace do not align with upstream code. IIRC you are on Tumbleweed, right? They have some downstream patches in the parsing code (vcc.c) that probably cause the crash:
Oct 26 2023
Hi Andre,
Oct 23 2023
Oct 7 2023
Merged to master for 23.12 as it includes new UI and translations strings.
Both PR merged into master, fix will be in 23.12 (the fix required cross-library API changes)
Oct 2 2023
After some investigation it turns out there are several bugs in the thing that eventually produces an email with the counter proposal.
Oct 1 2023
Sep 30 2023
After some investigation into what everyone else is doing, nobody seems to be using and supporting this property as of now. The big players (Google Calendar, Office365) abuse the Location field to store the URL for the onlin-meeting with alternative methods of joining the conference (e.g. dial-in numbers. etc) stored in the event description.
Sep 27 2023
OK, so after debugging the issue and finally digging into the code I realized that I don't see the fix I did the first turned out I committed the fix to release/23.04 branch but forgot to merge it into master and as such the change did not make it to 23.08 - which is probably why it seemingly "came back" after you upgraded. I've cherry-picked the fix to release/23.08 branch and merged it to master.
Sep 14 2023
Sep 10 2023
PR that removes the "Show key details" link from the response email:
It took a bit of time to set things up, but I was able to manually perform the WKS dance and open each email in KMail to check how it works.
Sep 4 2023
Aug 31 2023
Aug 29 2023
Aug 23 2023
Aug 17 2023
Aug 13 2023
The changes have been merged and will be part of KDE Gear 23.12.
I thought about adding support for deleting multiple attachments via the Message Structure view, but as Ingo said, it's marked as an "Expert" tool and it is not enabled by default so most users are not even aware of it, and it would actually be difficult to do it with a proper UX so I decided against it, unless it's explicitly requested by someone again.
Aug 1 2023
PRs with initial implementation - for now only in message list and message viewer context menu:
Jul 30 2023
There's also that argues for a full GUI to allow the user to individually select attachments to delete. I can think of such a GUI but I think the amount of work needed to implement it would not be justified by the rather niche use-case.
Jul 10 2023
I was able to find the Craft blueprint with the CMake build system in my Win VM and pushed it to invent:, feel free to use it for inspiration or base for future work, or ignore it completely :). It's probably far from a production-ready CMake script, some years ago I just really really *really* wanted to build KMail on Windows (don't ask why) so I did some unspeakable evils to make it happen. This is one of the better things that came out of it...
Jul 8 2023
Merged into master: and should be available in Release 23.08.
I had to fix it anyway in order to be able to provide screenshot for the latest blog post about encrypting invitations :)
Jul 4 2023
Jun 9 2023
Jun 5 2023
May 29 2023
Fix merged to release/23.04 branch.
May 19 2023
Absolutely, I'll prioritize looking at this.
Apr 19 2023
Apr 18 2023
From the "Confirm your key registration" (see last screenshot) button seems to be what this is about, right?
I have yet to test this, but just by looking at the code in kdepim-addons this seems to already be implemented since the beginning. When we were implementing this back in 2016, we were using some testing WKD server that @aheinecke operated (the presence of and keys in my Kleopatra is most likely from that time and instance).