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Nov 4 2024
Kleopatra shows this option in GnuPG System because gpgconf --list-options gpg-agent lists this option.
ALright, let's go with that latest version (rKLEOPATRAab32b52a6cf8)
High priority since it affects accessibility and was mentioned as problem in the accessibility reports.
This isn't really important at the moment.
Ctrl+A + Ctrl+C to copy to clipboard and Ctrl+V do paste isn't exactly super complicated for people who know how to use the clipboard. -> Low
Applied Tobias installation patch to gpg4win master (vsd33)
We decided that Kleopatra should behave the same way as GnuPG when the user clicks "Wrong". Kleopatra should inform the user that the certificate has been marked as not trusted because of the wrong fingerprint.
As discussed today let's use the following heuristic:
- If we find a certificate for the recipient (sub)key in the key cache (ignoring ADSK subkeys) then list this certificate as recipient.
- Else: If we find a single certificate for the recipient (sub)key in the key cache (including ADSK subkeys) then list this certificate as recipient.
- Else: In a second pass, check if any of the already known recipient certificates has a(n ADSK) subkey matching the unknown recipient (sub)key. In this case list this recipient again (so that formatRecipientsDetails doesn't assume an unknown recipient).
- Else: Count the recipient as unknown.
The option can be enabled/disabled via the GnuPG System configuration in Kleopatra (Private Keys -> Disallow clients to mark keys as "trusted"), i.e. you don't have to edit gpg-agent.conf by hand.
Close ticket. We don't need two tickets for collecting group-related tickets.
Remove assignment. Ticket collections are not actionable by a developer.
Nov 3 2024
Nov 2 2024
Nov 1 2024
@ebo Thank you for your continuous testing.
Oct 31 2024
@TobiasFella prepared the installation in https://dev.gnupg.org/rW9218ebfb7c01478a6fa7b2892fec4d9fd83ba273 . I left some comments on this commit.
Werner backported this to GnuPG 2.2.45.
right. the installer needs to install kleopatradebugcommandsrc next to libkleopatrarc
- Name is now: "Show GnuPG Configuration"
- When I choose that, the window which opens has a title and a close button, the file extension on saving is .txt
ok, regarding better access to the more detailed error dialog see the above mentioned ticket
Unfortunately, this seems not to have ended the sporadic hangs.
I just saw a hanging initial keylisting with gpg4win-beta-70 which has gpg 2.4.6