Thu, Feb 20
You have imported a certificate with secret key.
You have imported a certificate with secret key.
Fingerprint: XXX User ID: ABC
Here are some ideas:
Wed, Feb 19
Also, we should not forget the context of the whole dialog in the window. So we get the wording right, especially regarding key / certificate.
Tue, Feb 18
Mon, Feb 17
"Exclusive user" sounds a bit odd and could still be misinterpreted. A native speaker would probably say "Are you the sole user of this secret key?“ or (even better and shorter) "Are you the only user of this secret key?"
Fri, Feb 14
Background of my "reminder" comment: we were discussing to establish a sane workflow for sharing keys. Which is quite commonly done e.g. for functional mail addresses, but usually people seem to share the whole secret key which is not advisable. We would want people to only share subkeys for that purpose.
It was the case that somebody gets a subkey for such an "offline" primary for the first time, which I was thinking of.
Details should be the first action (since it's likely the most often used action by people who don't know about double-click). And I'd move the "destructive actions" to the bottom. And there are way to many separators.
Reminder: we have to keep in mind the workflow of the import of secret subkeys. Do we need different behavior conditional on "is primary key present" or not?
With my initial suggestions, modified by:
Thu, Feb 13
Another thing (should definitely go into a new ticket if we want to do something regarding this):
Wed, Feb 12
Okay. We now replace the standard Breeze icon of kleopatra with the red head for vsd and with a new blue head for gpd. The replacements are used for the About action and in the About dialog, but kwin (X11) insists on using the standard icon as window icon. And the system tray also shows the standard symbolic Breeze icon instead of the replacements. strace shows that the replacement icons embedded in the AppImage are loaded. No idea why kwin and the system tray still use the standard icons.
Shorter version:
Possible explanation text for the user regarding the background of the question (probably to long):
Tue, Feb 11
Kleopatra with Breeze style:
I would keep the "create group", too.
Regarding the suggest list I would change the following:
Mon, Feb 10
Needs to be tested/verified by other developers. In short you do
./ cd packages ./ cd .. ./ --appimage --builddir=...
If you omit the --builddir=... option then ~/b/SRCDIRNAME-appimage will be used.
Building an AppImage including Kleopatra and Okular works now (again) in the gpg4win-5-branch.
Fri, Feb 7
aheinecke: Yeah, but I did quite some changes to for a real out-of-source build (w/o copying files)
Thu, Feb 6
Just so that its not overlooked and you are meaning something different. But I had the Qt6 / KF6 branch working with the --appimage parameter.