I don't know why dkg-fix-T4641 is not showing up here on the assuan git repo.
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Jul 17 2019
I've just pushed rA45f01593d4ce794ae3562359aee2ff80c97e368e to the dkg-fix-T4641 branch that resolves this.
Jul 15 2019
Jul 1 2019
As I said we do this with all GnuPG components. Pinentry is a bit of exception because it is an external package.
I have also had bug reports which later turned out that a wrong pinentry was used; I prefer to know eactly which pinentry is used. Regarding your concrete problem I suggested to add a note with the full name of the pinentry or to change the error message to something better understandable.
So this is a defense against an adversary capable of creating a pinentry-wrapper somewhere in $PATH, but not capable of modifying gpg-agent.conf? It sounds to me like this is a defense against a very unusually-constrained attacker, at the expense of regular, common bug reports and user confusion.
GnuPG invokes its components always with their absolute file name. We want to mitigate attacks where malware creates a pinentry wrapper somewhere in an improper set PATH.
Jun 27 2019
Mar 27 2019
gpg4win 3.1.6 is released which contains this fix.
Feb 25 2019
Feb 19 2019
Feb 11 2019
Released 2.5.3 today:
Jan 17 2019
Jan 16 2019
Done for gpgme.
Jan 15 2019
Done for libgcrypt.
Jan 14 2019
I give this normal priority to move it out of the "Needs Triage" queue.
Jan 10 2019
Done for libgpg-error.
Topic branch of libgpg-error is not good to show changes (for other libraries).
So, I made D473: Introducing LDADD_FOR_TESTS_KLUDGE to enable 'make check' with LD_LIBRARY_PATH.
Appliying to libgpg-error.
Jan 8 2019
For other distros, it seems it's quite old issue: https://sourceware.org/ml/binutils/2012-05/msg00037.html
My patches on the topic branch: https://dev.gnupg.org/source/libgpg-error/history/gniibe%252Fdisable-new-dtags/
Jan 7 2019
My tentative conclusion: When (GNU) ld supports --disable-new-dtags, add it to LDADD in tests/Makefile.am.
Dec 20 2018
Reading this discussion: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-libtool/2018-01/msg00014.html
It seems that it could be fixed if we care about the order of libraries.
And it's not the issue for libgpg-error, which doesn't require external libraries.
For binutils, in Stretch, Debian specific patch was introduced.
Then, upstream introduced --enable-new-dtags option for configure to build binutils.
Now, Debian uses --enable-new-dtags option (at build time).
Dec 17 2018
Dec 13 2018
Nov 9 2018
Marking this as resolved as it was forgotten in the testing state.
Oct 29 2018
New gpg-error.m4 detects gpgrt-config, too.
And configure supplies --libdir when it invokes gpgrt-config.
For other *.m4 (libassuan, ksba, libgcrypt, ntbtls), it is possible for them to check GPGRT_CONFIG to use gpgrt-config if any.
For npth.m4, it can do that too, with no hard dependency to libgpg-error.
Oct 26 2018
Oct 25 2018
A bit tricky, but this would be good to use gpgrt-config by gpg-error.m4.
I say "tricky", because its name is gpg-error.m4 but it configure GPGRT_CONFIG to access to GPG_ERROR_CONFIG.
It might be good idea to provide libgcrypt.pc in libgcrypt 1.8.x for forward compatibility with libgpg-error 1.33.
Well, I changed my mind. Use of new gpgrt-config requires software update to introduce gpgrt.m4 and update of configure.ac to switch gpgrt from gpg-error, in standard way.
That's too much this time. It's good to defer this change.
OK, I'll change to use gpgrt-config, along with requiring newer version of libgpg-error.
Oct 24 2018
May I suggest to use a (new) gpgrt-config instead of the current name libgpg-error-config. The long term plan is to change the name of the library.
Sep 4 2018
May 17 2018
Apr 13 2018
Apparently, your /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libgpg-error.so.0 is not the one you installed (I mean, libgpg-error version 1.27).
You need to install your new version of libgpg-error so that it is usable.
Please check your ldconfig or LD_LIBRARY_PATH, etc.
Jan 24 2018
Are you sure that you are runtime linking to the same libgpg-error version you used for the build?
Dec 8 2017
There is now also Gpg4win-3.0.2 with that gnupg version available.
I've been running gnupg-w32-2.2.3_20171207.exe for about as long as it's been available and no hanging whatsoever. Thanks a lot!
Dec 7 2017
W/o a special tag in the commit there seems to be no way to mark a patch as applied.
All commited. I created a new installer gnupg-w32-2.2.3_20171207.exe which comes with the new libassuan 2.5.1 and the two required patches for gnupg.
I pushed this change with the addition of a doc entry and to protect against a not yet initialized socket interface.
Dec 6 2017
Applied to libassuan master.
Thanks for testing.
I created another patch which can be applied independently: D457: Avoid crash using nPth
For better reproducibility of hang, this is more better:
It's a patch to libassuan. The patch to gpg-agent is not the exact one. libassuan patch is the exact one.
I'm doing the test. I'm currently waiting on a hang with the test change applied.
If you can get the developers to make a try-build that is built securely then I'd guess most of us would be happy to try it. Not all of us have a build system for gpg.
To reproduce this problem of nonce write->read race on Windows, and forgotten wrapping of read/write, please apply this patch for testing:
And then, please confirm that rG1524ba9656f0: agent: Set assuan system hooks before call of assuan_sock_init. can fix this, even with the patch for testing.
Dec 5 2017
Alright, I need to weight in with something that may possibly be influencing the failure of the December-01-2017 build to operate correctly over here; since this issue is related to sockets, and I have set up a rather unusual security apparatus on my system ("unusual" as far as computers regularly running GPG are concerned, and that only to my personal experience, meaning no reliable statistics or anything), I think it's worth mentioning that my firewall (Sygate Personal Firewall Pro) is configured to be very restrictive and that virtually anything that utilizes tcp or udp is being routed through socks5 via ProxyCap, and that neither application is currently allowing GPG to have access to any address but localhost (there's a reason for this and has got nothing to do with GPG itself, but that's part of a different discussion).
Dec 2 2017
Ok here's an update.
Superb! Testing gnupg-2.2.3_171201.exe as I type, and it's already working past the time it would normally cease to respond :)
Dec 1 2017
A new installer with an updated libassuan is now available. To download gnupg-2.2.3_171201.exe please go to https://gnupg.org/download/ . If you had the disable-check-own-socket in your gpg-agent.conf, please remove it so that we can really see whether that version fixes the problem.
The error is fixed with "disable-check-own-socket"
If someone is interested for next times, the log-file "gpg-agent.log" is on the path "C:\Users\<my user>\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Thunderbird\".
Adding Windows again because on Unix it is unlikley that our close will block. A documented blocking behavior is only defined for STREAMS
Yeah, that looks correct. Good catch. The bug exhibits itself when gpg-agent checks its own socket. In this case gpg-agent is both, client and server, and due to our userland multi-threading we get blocked. The suspend/resume things makes the deadlock more likely. Note that we have the same problem on Unix.
Nov 30 2017
Oct 26 2017
Thanks for the list
Here is the list:
- libgcrypt
- libassuan
- ntbtls
- gpgme : autogen.sh is ready
- npth
Sep 6 2017
Please try: rA87c2bb5708ff: We can't support fd passing, if the system doesn't support it.
It disables the particular test.
I think that file descriptor passing is not supported on Cygwin.
We should disable the feature of libassuan.
It will be in the next release (2.4.4).
Thanks for reporting.