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Jan 6 2021

cbiedl added a comment to T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10.

After some more checking: LLVM-11 introduced the same behaviour in that regard, but appearently not a pragma/attribute to override this:

Jan 6 2021, 3:55 PM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report

Jan 5 2021

werner triaged T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10 as Normal priority.
Jan 5 2021, 9:06 AM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report

Jan 4 2021

werner added a comment to T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10.

Thus better add a

&& !defined(__clang__)
Jan 4 2021, 1:32 PM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report
werner added a comment to T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10.

Sure that the FreeBSD compiler does not define it? I am pretty sure it does.

Jan 4 2021, 1:31 PM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report
cbiedl added a comment to T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10.

According to list of attributes in the clang 12 documention, there is no such attribute in clang. However, the clang-11 compiler (as seen in Debian) does not define __GNUC__, so the proposed patch does not affect the status when building with clang.

Jan 4 2021, 1:16 PM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report
werner added a project to T5215: gnugp1: Fix build errors with gcc-10: gnupg (gpg14).
Jan 4 2021, 9:14 AM · gnupg (gpg14), patch, Bug Report

Jul 16 2020

werner closed T3512: gpgme test failure when run with gpg version 1 as Invalid.

Reconsidering this: Running the test suite with gpg1 is not a proper use case. gpg1 may be installed in addition to gpg but it should never be used on a build machine solely.

Jul 16 2020, 3:09 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gpgme, Bug Report
werner lowered the priority of T3512: gpgme test failure when run with gpg version 1 from Normal to Low.
Jul 16 2020, 3:07 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gpgme, Bug Report

May 8 2020

aheinecke triaged T4925: FAIL: armencryptp.test as Low priority.

I've just tried the test suite of GnuPG 1.4.23 on debian buster and all tests pass.

May 8 2020, 12:19 PM · Info Needed, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Apr 23 2020

dtak added a comment to T4925: FAIL: armencryptp.test.

Thanks. I tried to install the latest released version, 1.4.23, but I got the same error.

Apr 23 2020, 8:28 PM · Info Needed, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
werner edited projects for T4925: FAIL: armencryptp.test, added: gnupg (gpg14); removed gnupg (gpg20).

That is a very old version (2015); please retry using the latest released version 1.4.23 (from 2018).

Apr 23 2020, 6:43 PM · Info Needed, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

May 5 2019

bichhoriya added a comment to T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.
May 5 2019, 5:05 PM · gnupg (gpg14)

Jun 18 2018

gniibe closed T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work as Resolved.

It's in 2.2.4 and 1.4.23.

Jun 18 2018, 3:36 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Jun 12 2018

dkg added a comment to T4018: gpg --with-colons --show-keys does not show revocation certificates.

ee1fc420fb9741b2cfaea6fa820a00be2923f514 contains a proposed fix for this.

Jun 12 2018, 8:50 AM · gnupg, Bug Report
werner triaged T4018: gpg --with-colons --show-keys does not show revocation certificates as High priority.
Jun 12 2018, 8:22 AM · gnupg, Bug Report
dkg updated the task description for T4018: gpg --with-colons --show-keys does not show revocation certificates.
Jun 12 2018, 1:11 AM · gnupg, Bug Report

Jun 11 2018

dkg created T4018: gpg --with-colons --show-keys does not show revocation certificates in the S1 Public space.
Jun 11 2018, 11:34 PM · gnupg, Bug Report
werner closed T4015: Release 1.4.23 as Resolved.
Jun 11 2018, 11:23 AM · Release Info, gnupg (gpg14), CVE
werner added a project to T4015: Release 1.4.23: Release Info.
Jun 11 2018, 9:59 AM · Release Info, gnupg (gpg14), CVE
werner created T4015: Release 1.4.23.
Jun 11 2018, 9:52 AM · Release Info, gnupg (gpg14), CVE

Jun 8 2018

werner edited projects for T4012: Diagnostic is shown with the original filename not being sanitized., added: CVE, gnupg (gpg14); removed gnupg (gpg22).

@dkg can you please take this up with Debian and other distros? See the commit for a brief description.

Jun 8 2018, 11:12 AM · gnupg, CVE, Bug Report

May 2 2018

werner closed T3898: Memory leak in g10 handle_compressed as Resolved.
May 2 2018, 8:30 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Apr 13 2018

gniibe changed the status of T3898: Memory leak in g10 handle_compressed from Open to Testing.

Applied to STABLE-BRANCH-1-4, too.

Apr 13 2018, 3:24 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
gniibe claimed T3898: Memory leak in g10 handle_compressed.

Good catch. Thanks. Fixed in STABLE-BRANCH-2-2.

Apr 13 2018, 3:11 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Feb 5 2018

dams50 closed T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size as Resolved.
Feb 5 2018, 4:01 PM · gnupg (gpg14)
dams50 added a comment to T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.

FYI : when submitting a buffer composed of

  • a leading 00 byte,
  • the 255 bytes encrypted session key value

to HSM/PKCS11 for decyption, decrypt returns without any errors, and returned plain session key is the one expected.

Feb 5 2018, 11:38 AM · gnupg (gpg14)

Feb 3 2018

dams50 added a comment to T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.

Some enlightenments here because i may have not mention some info in the first place :

Feb 3 2018, 6:18 PM · gnupg (gpg14)

Feb 2 2018

dams50 added a comment to T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.

Our HSM is a certified FIPS 140-2, sec level3, hardware module, exposing a PKCS#11 v2.30 spec compliant API.

Feb 2 2018, 3:29 PM · gnupg (gpg14)
werner added a comment to T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.

What kind of hardware token?

Feb 2 2018, 2:38 PM · gnupg (gpg14)

Feb 1 2018

dams50 updated the task description for T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size.
Feb 1 2018, 7:45 PM · gnupg (gpg14)
dams50 edited projects for T3768: Decryption of RSA public key encrypted session key packet fails when encrypted session key packet length is not equal to RSA key modulus size, added: gnupg (gpg14); removed gnupg (gpg23).
Feb 1 2018, 7:44 PM · gnupg (gpg14)

Nov 21 2017

gniibe edited projects for T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work, added: gnupg (gpg14); removed gnupg (gpg23).

It's fixed in master.
It is good to backport this to GnuPG 2.2 and GnuPG 1.4.

Nov 21 2017, 6:04 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Nov 1 2017

gniibe closed T1818: gnupg fails (buffer overflow detected) to encrypt archive when called from duplicity as Resolved.

OK, closed.

Nov 1 2017, 7:17 AM · Info Needed, gnupg, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, Debian

Oct 24 2017

werner closed T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match as Wontfix.

Won't we fixed for 1.4 and 2.0 (which is too close to EOL). Has been fixed for master; see T2359.

Oct 24 2017, 12:32 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
gniibe closed T2738: gpg crashes when attempting to write a key to a card as Wontfix.

GnuPG 1.4 is only for old features. New features are only supported by GnuPG 2.2.

Oct 24 2017, 2:21 AM · Fedora, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Oct 22 2017

jcross added a comment to T2289: UI says “Secret key is available.” in gpg when it is not.

Same issue exists in 2.2:

Oct 22 2017, 3:39 PM · Bug Report, gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14)

Oct 20 2017

werner closed T2289: UI says “Secret key is available.” in gpg when it is not as Wontfix.

Won't be fixed for 1.4.

Oct 20 2017, 1:25 PM · Bug Report, gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14)
werner added a comment to T2822: gnupg 1.4 sometimes truncates pubring.gpg on SIGINT.

There should be a backup file in these cases.

Oct 20 2017, 1:06 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg
werner added a comment to T2738: gpg crashes when attempting to write a key to a card.

I would suggest to close this as won't fix.

Oct 20 2017, 12:56 PM · Fedora, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)
werner closed T2736: gnupg 1.4 fixed-list-mode fails to take effect when listing keys as Wontfix.

In 2.2 we implemented --import-option show-only which dies the right thing, that is to use the reguarl key-listing code. Backporting this to 1.4 does not make sense - people should move on and use gpg 2.2.

Oct 20 2017, 12:54 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg
werner added a comment to T1818: gnupg fails (buffer overflow detected) to encrypt archive when called from duplicity.

Given that we received no info after nearly two years, shouldn't we simply assume that this bug as been fixed?

Oct 20 2017, 12:51 PM · Info Needed, gnupg, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, Debian
werner closed T1371: Out of secure memory while generating several keys in batchmode as Resolved.

This patch was released with 1.4.22

Oct 20 2017, 12:44 PM · In Progress, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Aug 15 2017

marcus closed T3182: gnupg 1.4 built with gcc 7.0.1 fails the tests on ARM as Resolved.

It's been a month since last release, no error reports so far.

Aug 15 2017, 5:44 PM · gnupg (gpg14), asm, Bug Report

Aug 9 2017

marcus closed T1691: Charset / codepage problems in GnuPG 2.0.26 on MS Windows as Resolved.
Aug 9 2017, 4:02 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), Windows 32, Windows, gpg4win, Bug Report, gnupg

Aug 7 2017

marcus added a comment to T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later.

No worries :)

Aug 7 2017, 11:11 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Aug 5 2017

werner lowered the priority of T3330: Install gpg as gpg and not anymore as gpg2 from High to Low.

Done with commit rGa69464b0b6da.

Aug 5 2017, 3:00 PM · gnupg (gpg14)
dkg added a comment to T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later.

ah, great! sorry i got confused :)

Aug 5 2017, 12:19 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Aug 4 2017

marcus added a comment to T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later.

I only removed the documentation in the STABLE-BRANCH-1-4. Nobody said we want to remove this feature, and it is still documented in STABLE-BRANCH-2-0 and master.

Aug 4 2017, 8:42 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
dkg added a comment to T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later.

fwiw, faked-system-time is used in several non-gnupg packages in debian already.

Aug 4 2017, 8:39 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
marcus closed T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later as Resolved.

I just removed the paragraph (gpgtwoone is not used anymore anyways). Fixed in eb15d5ed8.

Aug 4 2017, 8:27 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
werner triaged T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later as Normal priority.
Aug 4 2017, 6:51 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
dkg created T3329: only document --faked-system-time for gpg 2.1 and later.
Aug 4 2017, 6:23 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Jul 26 2017

marcus closed T2397: error messages from gpg_keys_hkp's stderr are printed in gpg's stdout as Wontfix.

gpg 1.4 only gets important updates.

Jul 26 2017, 4:37 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg

Jul 21 2017

marcus closed T2259: --key-gen failing on Solaris 10 as Invalid.
Jul 21 2017, 4:33 PM · gnupg, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Jul 19 2017

werner closed T3268: GnuPG 1.4.22 release as Resolved.

I just released 1.4.22 including the usual Windows installer. No anouncement mail but I added an entry to the NEWS page.

Jul 19 2017, 11:58 AM · gnupg (gpg14)

Jul 17 2017

marcus closed T1803: gpg --gen-revoke fails silently if passphrase fails as Wontfix.

gpg 1.4 will now only receive important updates, and this is a change in behavior, which might break scripts.

Jul 17 2017, 3:16 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg
justus closed T2209: minimal dsa/elg bitsize during expert keygen outdated as Resolved.

I just verified that this is indeed fixed.

Jul 17 2017, 10:43 AM · backport, Bug Report, gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg21)

Jul 11 2017

justus assigned T3268: GnuPG 1.4.22 release to werner.
Jul 11 2017, 12:31 PM · gnupg (gpg14)
gniibe created T3268: GnuPG 1.4.22 release.
Jul 11 2017, 1:43 AM · gnupg (gpg14)

Jul 4 2017

marcus changed the status of T3182: gnupg 1.4 built with gcc 7.0.1 fails the tests on ARM from Open to Testing.
Jul 4 2017, 11:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), asm, Bug Report
marcus added a comment to T3182: gnupg 1.4 built with gcc 7.0.1 fails the tests on ARM.

Should be fixed in 782f804765b6f4226fd77843e59f57dcca61b6fb, can you verify that? Thanks!

Jul 4 2017, 11:23 PM · gnupg (gpg14), asm, Bug Report

Jul 2 2017

gouttegd added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

For information, this issue was also discussed on both gnupg-user and gnupg-devel back in january 2017. I mention it here for reference.

Jul 2 2017, 12:34 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Jul 1 2017

marcus closed T1963: ldap keyserver communication error as Invalid.
Jul 1 2017, 1:54 PM · Fedora, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg

Jun 23 2017

jcross added a comment to T2289: UI says “Secret key is available.” in gpg when it is not.

Any updates / thoughts on how this might be fixed?

Jun 23 2017, 5:18 PM · Bug Report, gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14)

Jun 22 2017

marcus closed T1490: inconsistant bytecount for output files as Invalid.
Jun 22 2017, 4:50 PM · gnupg, gnupg (gpg14)

Jun 7 2017

werner assigned T3182: gnupg 1.4 built with gcc 7.0.1 fails the tests on ARM to marcus.

Marcus, can you please check this?

Jun 7 2017, 1:15 PM · gnupg (gpg14), asm, Bug Report

May 10 2017

gniibe claimed T1371: Out of secure memory while generating several keys in batchmode.

Patch applied and pushed to STABLE-BRANCH-1-4.

May 10 2017, 7:22 AM · In Progress, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Apr 26 2017

dkg added a comment to T1371: Out of secure memory while generating several keys in batchmode.

I've just pushed rGde441cb9cc87, taken from the gnupg-devel mailing list, message-id:

Apr 26 2017, 3:16 AM · In Progress, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Apr 11 2017

gniibe removed a project from T2738: gpg crashes when attempting to write a key to a card: gnupg.

Please use GnuPG 2 (2.0 or 2.1) for using smartcard/token.
smartcard support in GnuPG 1.4 is way old and only supports shorter key length.

Apr 11 2017, 3:25 AM · Fedora, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Apr 4 2017

kai removed a project from T1691: Charset / codepage problems in GnuPG 2.0.26 on MS Windows: Duplicate.
Apr 4 2017, 3:03 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), Windows 32, Windows, gpg4win, Bug Report, gnupg
kai moved T1691: Charset / codepage problems in GnuPG 2.0.26 on MS Windows from Backlog to Done on the Duplicate board.
Apr 4 2017, 3:00 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), Windows 32, Windows, gpg4win, Bug Report, gnupg
kai merged T1373: Wrong charset in console messages (Cyrillic, Windows) into T1691: Charset / codepage problems in GnuPG 2.0.26 on MS Windows.
Apr 4 2017, 2:59 PM · gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), Windows 32, Windows, gpg4win, Bug Report, gnupg

Mar 30 2017

admin created gnupg (gpg14).
Mar 30 2017, 6:42 PM

Mar 2 2017

werner added a project to T2822: gnupg 1.4 sometimes truncates pubring.gpg on SIGINT: gnupg (gpg14).
Mar 2 2017, 7:50 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg

Feb 5 2017

dkg added a comment to T2022: dutch localizations for GnuPG.

This was included in 2.0.30, but somehow was missing from the 2.1.x branch.
I've included it in master as of 8a9d4b55b09d04482b46055f0a60f01b86738df3

Feb 5 2017, 6:54 PM · gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14), i18n, Feature Request
dkg changed Version from 2.0.28, 1.4.19 to 2.0.28, 1.4.19, 2.1.18 on T2022: dutch localizations for GnuPG.
Feb 5 2017, 6:54 PM · gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14), i18n, Feature Request
dkg closed T2022: dutch localizations for GnuPG as Resolved.
Feb 5 2017, 6:54 PM · gnupg, gnupg (gpg20), gnupg (gpg14), i18n, Feature Request

Jan 23 2017

werner added projects to T2071: Processes invoking gpgme_op_decrypt() should not incur a delay due to the invocation of gpg-agent: gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20).
Jan 23 2017, 11:21 PM · Restricted Project, gnupg, Bug Report
werner added a project to T2238: When generating a DSA or Elgamal key with --expert GPG claims that keys smaller than 1024 bits are supported when they are not.: gnupg (gpg20).
Jan 23 2017, 11:09 PM · gnupg (gpg20), Unreleased, gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg

Jan 16 2017

linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

Jan 16 2017, 6:55 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

Attached example output after patch is applied. Now User4 has full validity like
expected, and the debug output shows a match for User4's email address (NOTE:
the debug output has 'YES' for no match and 'NO' for successful match)

Jan 16 2017, 6:55 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

D406: 944_example.patch

Jan 16 2017, 6:53 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

Attached example patch prevents escaping normal lowercase letters.

Note that this isn't a general solution, though it does solve the issue for me.
For example, some email addresses have numbers (I don't know if having backslash
before numbers is an issue like it is for letters)

Jan 16 2017, 6:53 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

Attached example are the following setup:

user1 tsign user2 with full trust, depth 1, domain="". User2 signs
user3 through user5 (regular signatures). User4 is at, users 3 and
5 are at

Jan 16 2017, 6:50 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added a comment to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.

Jan 16 2017, 6:50 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam set Version to 1.4.20, 2.0.22, 2.1.11 on T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work.
Jan 16 2017, 6:43 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
linsam added projects to T2923: trust signature domain restrictions don't work: gnupg (gpg21), gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), gnupg, Bug Report.
Jan 16 2017, 6:43 AM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report

Jan 6 2017

werner closed T1148: 1.4.x pinpad support (reader covadis vega-alpha => cannot used secure PIN) as Resolved.
Jan 6 2017, 6:55 PM · Won't Fix, gnupg (gpg14), gnupg, Feature Request
werner added a project to T1148: 1.4.x pinpad support (reader covadis vega-alpha => cannot used secure PIN): Won't Fix.
Jan 6 2017, 6:55 PM · Won't Fix, gnupg (gpg14), gnupg, Feature Request
werner added a project to T2397: error messages from gpg_keys_hkp's stderr are printed in gpg's stdout: gnupg (gpg14).
Jan 6 2017, 5:24 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg
werner added a comment to T2736: gnupg 1.4 fixed-list-mode fails to take effect when listing keys.

A major problem with gpg FILE-WITH-KEYS is that its behaviour was never well
defined and it is more a side effect than a a reguarl feature.

It should be fixed, however.

Jan 6 2017, 5:20 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg
werner added a project to T2736: gnupg 1.4 fixed-list-mode fails to take effect when listing keys: gnupg (gpg14).
Jan 6 2017, 5:20 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report, gnupg

Nov 30 2016

gniibe claimed T2738: gpg crashes when attempting to write a key to a card.
Nov 30 2016, 3:12 AM · Fedora, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Oct 6 2016

baptistemm added projects to T2738: gpg crashes when attempting to write a key to a card: gnupg (gpg14), gnupg, Bug Report, Fedora.
Oct 6 2016, 4:15 AM · Fedora, Bug Report, gnupg (gpg14)

Sep 14 2016

justus lowered the priority of T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match from High to Normal.
Sep 14 2016, 3:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
justus changed Version from 2.0.22 to 1.4, 2.0.22, master on T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match.
Sep 14 2016, 3:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
justus renamed T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match from GPG signs using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match to GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match.
Sep 14 2016, 3:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
justus added a project to T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match: gnupg (gpg22).
Sep 14 2016, 3:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
justus added a comment to T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match.

Indeed, this is unfortunate, but not as bad as you make it sound (unless the
user uses always trust).

Note that this is not about signing (which uses the private key), but about
encryption. I've changed the bug title accordingly.

This happens also with master, and it seems the order of keys in the public
keyring is important:

teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % export GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % gpg2 --import test.user.asc
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: keybox '/tmp/tmp.TR2cSoWHMb/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /tmp/tmp.TR2cSoWHMb/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 8D62594F1FE90C7B: public key "" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % gpg2 --import user.asc
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: key 00988FEC00B5CA77: public key "" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % echo huhu|gpg2 -e -r
"" -a|gpg2

gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: 1A7265CF27F9E78E: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
sub rsa2048/1A7265CF27F9E78E 2016-09-14
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
Primary key fingerprint: CA77 8656 2AAC BBB2 6A50 3A50 8D62 594F 1FE9 0C7B

      Subkey fingerprint: 52CB E9DC 1812 9F78 3054  6569 1A72 65CF 27F9 E78E

It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.

Use this key anyway? (y/N)

gpg: signal gpgInterrupt: signal caught ... exiting
Interrupt caught ... exiting
130 teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % export
GNUPGHOME=$(mktemp -d)
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % gpg2 --import user.asc
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: keybox '/tmp/tmp.Hfjbb2jvji/pubring.kbx' created
gpg: /tmp/tmp.Hfjbb2jvji/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created
gpg: key 00988FEC00B5CA77: public key "" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % gpg2 --import test.user.asc
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: key 8D62594F1FE90C7B: public key "" imported
gpg: Total number processed: 1
gpg: imported: 1
teythoon@europa ~/repos/g10/gnupg/obj (git)-[master] % echo huhu|gpg2 -e -r
"" -a|gpg2
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: It is only intended for test purposes and should NOT be
gpg: used in a production environment or with production keys!
gpg: DAB278A8736B0D2C: There is no assurance this key belongs to the named user
sub rsa2048/DAB278A8736B0D2C 2016-09-14
Primary key fingerprint: 6680 B181 D853 CEB5 6671 ECC7 0098 8FEC 00B5 CA77

      Subkey fingerprint: 3909 7C31 399C A746 87B3  5D74 DAB2 78A8 736B 0D2C

It is NOT certain that the key belongs to the person named
in the user ID. If you *really* know what you are doing,
you may answer the next question with yes.

Use this key anyway? (y/N)

gpg: signal gpgInterrupt: signal caught ... exiting
Interrupt caught ... exiting

Sep 14 2016, 3:25 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report
tvenhola added projects to T2684: GPG encrypts using a key of a partial recipient match instead of exact match: gnupg (gpg14), gnupg (gpg20), Bug Report.
Sep 14 2016, 2:01 PM · gnupg (gpg14), Bug Report