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Nov 10 2023
So some research led me to believe that using taskkill from MSI is not uncommon. But most stackoverflow solutions did not work for me. I have one solution that works, though but that opens a terminal window for each process we try to kill. I don't want to use wscript to avoid that, since an installer that executes visual basic is IMO even more evil then an installer that executes taskkill. Both are not really the MSI way, but while we could fix our processes without a WindowMessage loop to die nicely this will not work for an upgrade to vsd32.
Nov 9 2023
So as a replacement for what we have in Kleopatra this would work.
Nov 6 2023
This works very well. I would like to add some data though about the number of reduced syscalls before resolving this.
Nov 3 2023
So with my ryzen 9 on tumbleweed:
So I tested upgrading from to the current beta and it also did not work.
Oct 31 2023
For a very long time i would have agreed with you. But i now understand the usecase. You misunderstand that feature just like i had. It is not about checksum verification or checking. It is for detecting changes in folder trees so that you know when to reencrypt and update your encrypted archive of that tree. Yes this could be done somewhere else but the usecase is valid for kleopatra.
I would rather like to see the checksum stuff be ripped out of Kleopatra into a simple standalone app. It's complete overkill to start the Kleopatra battleship if the user just wants to calculate or verify a checksum of a downloaded file. The UI of the checksum tool in Kleopatra is anyway still not accessible (T6099: Kleopatra: Make checksum verification accessible). How about we redesign the UI from scratch with accessibility in mind from the start?
The tobias/gpgsum branch in gnupg now contains my implementation of this. Together with the attached patches to kleopatra and libkleo, it can properly handle unicode filenames on windows. I'll put those patches up for review at KDE in the next days.
Oct 28 2023
this is a support question since you are not a customer to my knowlege please use
Oct 27 2023
Oct 18 2023
The original issue was to unclear to analyse and it was likely meanwhile fixed. For the other issue see the follow up ticket.
I mean this would also be solved if we did not use qiodevicedataprovider but pass the filenames directly to gpg for single files, too. (can't remember the ticket number) but I don't want to do that right now.
In T6526#177082, @ikloecker wrote:The original issue was about creating an encrypted archive. This code doesn't use Qt anymore for writing the result file, but delegates this to gpgtar.
That sounds like a solid conclusion. I mean if errno is not set explicitly it is basically undefined which value it is, so maybe some other function set errno to no space left on device in that one case where it "worked".
The original issue was about creating an encrypted archive. This code doesn't use Qt anymore for writing the result file, but delegates this to gpgtar.
I've debugged Eva's problem and I think it's unrelated to the original problem, as it's specific to qt.
Oct 17 2023
works: installed VS-Desktop- with
Oct 16 2023
The installation parameter for this is documented in our installation instructions. What is new with the next version is that for all files when you open them after installation of GnuPG VS-Desktop for the very first time you will be asked if Kleopatra should be used and have the option to make this permanent.
Oct 13 2023
As what I see is similar as what Andre saw, I'll describe it here. Please check if this is relevant.
After the above mentioned Ticket was resolved, I tried the exact same encryption in Kleopatra on the same Test-VM.
Oct 4 2023
For sent mails folder there is no solution. The problem is that if the mail never leaves the exchange server it is not converted to a standard compliant PGP/MIME but left in Microsofts internal MAPI format where it looks like this. I think thunderbird has support to fixup a message if the mimetype of the first attachment application/pgp-encrypted. Which reminds me that we need to change the filename of our internal attachment, too to use .mim as an extension. Then you will at least also be able to open such messages on other clients with Kleopatra directly to view the contents of the mail. And a side effect of this might be that Enigmail might then be able to open the mails. If not we would need to talk to enigmail how to solve this.
Oct 3 2023
Sep 30 2023
Hi, thank you so much and sorry for delay.
This beta is working for us perfectly.
Sep 28 2023
Sep 27 2023
This is NOT the bug reporting form. You will find the form at
Sep 26 2023
Sep 25 2023
Sep 21 2023
Thank you very much, we will try it and let you know
Sep 19 2023
that's really cool :) .. I tested now with a mail whole having the Warning message, I press "Show Mail" and it indeed open .. see the pic.
very nice feature indeed.
Meanwhile, can you please share how to use the new feature "open the mail from the Kleopatra menu" would be nice to test it.
Thanks a lot Andre ... I believe it's solved.
Sep 18 2023
Maybe its not a com addin but one of the New JavaScript webapi addins? They have a different menu to disable. Definetly not an outlook feature its this protectit thingy. But have you now Trierdto open the mail from the Kleopatra menu? That is the cool New feature we are currently working on.
I disable all Addons (see screenshots) and restarted the Outlook, but still getting the same warning when trying to open the email.
Ah wait, in the first of your screenshots it is obvious which addin is modifying your mail so that we don't see it as an encrypted mail anymore. It is that warning text from the protection Addin that you should report that mail if you are unsure where it came from. That would cause such problems because when it inserts this text the type of the mail is changed and it is no longer detected as an encrypted mail.
There in the last screenshot on the right. Btw. since the mail you sent me with the ZIP archive looked also fine to me, there might be another problem here. Could you try disabling your other Addons in Outlook temporarily and check if that might solve the issue? Other addons are also often a cause for some unusual client behavior. You can do that if you go to File -> Options -> Add-Ins -> Manage COM Addins, and then unselect others just for a test.
this is what I'm getting when trying to open the mail then the attachment. Am i missing something?
strange, your test mail in the attachment decrypted for me, too. What happens if you now use the "Show EMail" button?
I've installed the Beta version, but issue still exist !!
My encrypted mails are readable by the other party, while I can't read his mail giving the same error msg "Decryption succeeded ......... Note: you cannot be sure who encrypted this message as it is not signed" , while I can read my sent encrypted mails.
see attached.
Any suggestions?
Thanks .. will try it now
Please try the following beta: This should solve your problem. And if not you can now open the encrypted attachments with Kleopatra and it will show your mail.
Please try: This should solve your problem. And if not you can now open the encrypted attachments with Kleopatra and it will show your mail.
Working on both. Beta will come later today, I had one on friday but did not upload it yet and need to recompile it first.
Sep 17 2023
Hi Andre,
Sep 15 2023
Ok and its possible to know, how long its should usually take to make new release ?
Can you tell me more about support contract or when i can find more information about it ?
I guess you need to wait until we do a new release. If your company relies on this software it might be a good idea to enter into a support contract as other do.
i dont get any responce, what is next step in this case.
Sep 14 2023
Thanks Andre for your response..
I am pretty sure that we can fix that issue and have a beta for you maybe even today or tomorrow. But afterwards we should talk about your company actually using a product with professional support (which you are getting right now from me) like GnuPG Desktop. Gpg4win is basically only "goodwill" support.
Sep 13 2023
I tested once more with another person, issue confirmed, he can read my encrypted mail (as you did), however, I can NOT read his emails (with the same error: you cannot be sure who encrypted this message as it is not signed)
Sep 12 2023
Yes, I can decrypt my sent mails, in my Sent folder
To say this differently, the problem fixed recently which Relaxed detection of encrypted mails might still fix your problem. But the "corruption" of the mail which makes it harder to detect as a crypto mail for GpgOL does not happen when you send a mail, it appears to happen when you receive a mail.
Received, but it is not the same problem at least on your side. Your mail looks perfect. It would have been handled by any version of GpgOL on my side. So I think it is the receiving side meaning your incoming crypto mails are modfied by some middleware in a way that GpgOL does not detect them as crypto mails anymore. But before we debug more here with logs for you, let me finish up some other work on GpgOL and I can probably give you and some others in the tracker here a beta this week where we can then confirm if its already fixed. I'm currently actively working on GpgOL.
I sent the test encrypted email
Thanks once more... and appreciate your swift response.
Yes the resolution in that issue is "I have fixed this, you need to wait for the next update." The comments above explain the problem, the mail is modified in transit, if you change something there then you can maybe workaround in the meantime. The exact comment I linked gave the instructions on how to assist with analyizing this issue. If you would follow them I could also tell you for sure weather or not this is your problem.
Thank you for your reply.
This sounds a bit more like you would maybe better suited with a batch script or command line usage anyway if you always want to encrypt in the same way you don't really need a fancy GUI for that.
Ok. Let me unpack this for you. I think your problem is that now since you switched to your new domain the mails in Outlook are no longer directly decrypted, then you open the attachment and get this message.
Sep 11 2023
Hi, it would be great to make Kleopatra remember the last used settings.
Thank you for your time and your answer, we really do appreciate your work. We invested in this in hope to help make the software better. Please try it, so you will see how it works. We were able to reproduce the problem the way I described. When installed as a normal user it won't work. Installed as an Administrator user it works. So the more secure way does not work currently.
The way how you install it can have nothing to do with that, it must be a different issue, but it sounds to me like you are messing with privileges a bit too much. Did you ever receive the warning of Kleopatra that you are running it as Administrator and that will mess up the rights in your GnuPG folder? Be honest. :)
You mean if you right click on a file and select sign & encrypt or if you choose the action from Kleopatra?
Sep 10 2023
Sep 1 2023
So by we already have code to handle this problem, we had code for "No body but multipart/mixed" and your message was "empty body but multipart mixed" so I just needed to also check for an empty body and the code worked.
Ah damn, now that I closed this as a duplicate I found that we already have code to handle this problem.
Well the message is content-type multipart/mixed. For GpgOL to investigate the mail it needs to be multipart/signed oder application/encrypted or application/pgp-encrypted. (and some other things) But multipart/mixed is something that we don't take a second look at because this means "unencrypted mail with attachments."
Aug 31 2023
For reference this is the code used to fill the pubkey table:
static gpg_error_t store_into_pubkey (enum kbxd_store_modes mode, enum pubkey_types pktype, const unsigned char *ubid, const void *blob, size_t bloblen) { gpg_error_t err; const char *sqlstr; sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
You are right - issuing an SQL statement returns the rrror. Hwoever, the selfcheck from sqlitebrowser does not show any errors.
Aug 30 2023
In T6679#174951, @werner wrote:The copy of the database we received for this case is not damaged. A possible problem might be insufficient rights to read the database. For example created with an Admin account and then later used by a different user.
The copy of the database we received for this case is not damaged. A possible problem might be insufficient rights to read the database. For example created with an Admin account and then later used by a different user.
Aug 29 2023
thank you, i send you test mail
Hi, my suspicion with the different tenant is that some middleware of yours is inserting something like "DANGER this could not be Virus Scanned by your super secure and expensive middleware" which then results in the mail beeing multipart/mixed instead of pgp/encrypted in the MIME type. Could you ask your communication partner with the problem to send such a mail to you and with CC to "
I was trying to solve it with support, but it was not solved until today, this issue we are facing more thank like 2years.
I guess its need to be solved with more advanced support than classic one.
Looks more like a support question but feel free to create a sample message, encrypt it to info at (WKD) and attach that message to this report.
This is a support requests. Please consult one of the mailing lists or the gpg4win forum. In case this turned out to actually be a bug, please feel free to reopen it.
Aug 28 2023
Aug 25 2023
This is a classical support question. Please use one of the community channels under:
for this.
Aug 24 2023
So this works for me now. The user where we build gpg4win has local diversions in ~/bin so as to not affect the GnuPG builds in any way and in the dockerfile we use update-alternatives to select the posix flavor.