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Dec 13 2024
Ok. Sorry, just to avoid debugging in case it is not known, I am pretty sure the ini file is a regression from the unicode nsis switich. The timing when it was reported to no longer work matches around that time and the installer code itself hasnt changed for even longer.
Dec 12 2024
In T7452#195845, @aheinecke wrote:I doubt it as what Gpg4win does here is completely standard. So the win_package module should handle it or there would be multiple results if you search for "NSIS uninstall ansible"
In T7454#195889, @ikloecker wrote:Which dialogs? pinentry? If yes, then your assumption is correct. pinentry also gets the texts from GnuPG.
Which dialogs? pinentry? If yes, then your assumption is correct. pinentry also gets the texts from GnuPG.
I'm not sure what we need for the clipboard that's not already in the SignEncryptWidget. I think the SignEncryptFilesDialog mostly adds functionality for the file handling. It might make more sense to try to share code that's implemented for the Notepad and then wrap this in a simple dialog.
There is another customer request for this too.
Thanks for the clarification, it seems that was necessary.
Right, the first process is the gpg-connect-agent (via gpgconf). I used gpg just as an example. All processes use the same code to launch the agent.
There were three parties involved:
- gpgconf --launch gpg-agent
- gpg -k ...
- gpgsm --server followed by LISTKEYS command
Just a note (in case it was not clear enough): I was *not* talking about registering "*.pub" for Kleopatra (currently it launches Microsoft Publisher), but I was talking about the file selector's default input pattern (I had to switch to "all files" to be able to see the file I wanted to import):
Thinking again about this my hypothesis is:
IIUC, simpler solution would be modifying m4/socklen.m4 adding Solaris variant specific code.
Tweaking _XOPEN_SOURCE requires the change of Autoconf (if done correctly), which would be larger surgery.
Here are changes for gcry_md_open and its friends.
My idea in https://dev.gnupg.org/T7338#195529 doesn't work well when a function call is done multiple times.
Assuming SUCCESS, and marking all non-compliant places in the code works, and it would be good because libgcrypt so far maintains non-compliant path with rejection.
Dec 11 2024
In T7452#195841, @m.eik wrote:this could also help with T5952, i was testing with ansible as well.
- name: Uninstall gpg4win from the registry ansible.windows.win_package: product_id: 'Gpg4win' arguments: /S state: absent
From a quick glance at the docs. This looks completely correct. What did this do and what didn't it do?
In T7452#195836, @aheinecke wrote:To workaround you need to copy the uninstaller to a temporary locationm firs and then execute and delete the copy.
Backported the latest change for VSD 3.3
Just to explain, if you are executing it from the command line the command line will "lock" the uninstaller until it is finished. In GUI Mode it creates a copy in %TEMP% launches this copy and exits. When run from the command line it requires a session reset to delete the unistaller. So log out / log in and the uninstaller should be removed, but the dir might still exist. I am not sure. To workaround you need to copy the uninstaller to a temporary locationm firs and then execute and delete the copy.
I wasnt aware of this either, but it would be good since we currently don't have a file extension listed explicitly for pgp keys, even though we register one and have the strings already to handle downloading keys where the server transfers application/pgp-keys as information. While https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/common-file-name-extensions-in-windows-da4a4430-8e76-89c5-59f7-1cdbbc75cb01 recognizes it as Microsoft Publisher file wikipedia says PGP Public key but without a citation. If AllowSilentDefaultTakeover is not set, the following code will not automatically change .pub to kleopatra. Instead in microsoft publisher is installed, it will ask you for the first time when a .pub file is opened after installing Kleopatra if you want to keep opening the files with Microsoft Publisher or if they should be opened from now on with IKleopatra,.
I misunderstood the problem. On the receiving side this was already fixed by me in 2019 9a9fe4e7fcad92bfba49ade9a6c44373f170ccd2
In T7434#195318, @ikloecker wrote:I'm wondering what happened (or why nothing happened) between the exit of gpg-agent[2816] at 10:11:12 and the start of gpg-agent[6492] at 10:12:00.
Also fixed for 2.4. Don't use the uninstaller on the command line, you should use the Windows method to do this.
Fixed with rG4c830b240c for gpd5 but after the release. Will fix it for 2.4 too.
Really. I do this for PGP files but I have not seen that elsewhere.
There is consensus that the issue T7434 must be resolved in the backend, where it originates.
There is consensus that the issue T7434 must be resolved in the backend, where it originates.
Not sure about gpg4win 4.2.0 but we had a bug in 4.3.0 which has been resolved with T6985
Tested with a Gpg4win-Beta and VSD-
I edited the task accordingly. Here I meant Notepad. But I would also add this as an idea / improvement for the clipboard if this should get improvements.
Ingo prefers to hide the origin by default, so please make this one change so that the UID tab columns looks like this by default:
Name, Email, Trust Level, [Origin], [Tags]
In T7362#195689, @alexk wrote:Yes, automatic scanning of the clipboard is not good. I withdraw the idea.
I am not sure if it helps if I comment, I just saw that this is issue cropped up again, and although we might be seeing different problems since other reports like T6623: Kleopatra hangs "Loading certificate cache" on Windows 10 T4581: Kleopatra stuck in loading the certificate cache are about indefinite hangs. (Was a timeout added in a generic place recently?) I just hope that at one point the underlying cause for this is found and resolved instead of hiding the symptom each time we find a way to reproduce this a bit better. Seeing T7437 and T7438 in which I commented a bit more made me sad that this is still not treated as a GnuPG issue.
To explain why I have not changed this, even though we have observed these hangs for years. I have never been able to reproduce a hang or issue without Kleopatra and only GPGME and only through keylistings. I just looked and still had the scripts I used for testing to mimic the calling pattern of Kleopatra lying around since this code is also run each time the security approval dialog is shown in Outlook.
Closing since the cause for this was identified.
I agree here with Werner. Changing the fronted to workaround locking / timing issues in the backend like in T4505: SM, W32: GPGSM hangs up the GnuPG System T6323: Kleopatra: Import multiple certificate files one after the other might be necessary in the short term to make a release possible. But even if, like in T6323 the code which avoids the issue is better this should rather be the last resort or done after doing a fix in the backend or to avoid the issue with older versions. I just wanted to comment because I clearly remember that in T6323 I was very glad to finally have a way to reproduce a deadlock with a high probability and then very frustrated that the issue was left in the backend and only hidden in Kleo.