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Wed, Mar 26
Hey there. I wanted to bring this up again, to see if we can perhaps get this changed after all:
After T7587: Kleopatra: High contrast mode isn't respected anymore was fixed this is what the buttons look like in Gpg4win 5:
Fixed. There are still some problems with the icons but those will be dealt with in a separate subticket of T6932: Icons, darkmode and stuff.
OK. Relying on SQLite semantics for COLLATE NOCASE would not be good.
Exactly same existing semantics (only care about ASCII uppercase characters) is good.
Tue, Mar 25
kleopatrarc, kleopatrastaterc, klanguageoverriderc, libkleopatrarc, and kxmlgui5/kleopatra/kleopatra.rc are now copied from the old location used by Gpg4win 4.4/VSD 3.3 (%APPDATA%/kleopatra) to the new location used by Gpg4win 5 (%GNUPGHOME%/kleopatra) if they do not yet exist at the new location. This is also logged.
It seems that High Contrast mode is completely ignored with Qt 6/KF6 (at least with Breeze and the built-in default style).
Mon, Mar 24
I noticed that the signing key B0D589D46708EC99 is a certify-only key. That signatures made with this key are dropped could be another regression of the fix for dkj's DoS bug.
Taking a bigger sample of keys from the same domain and doing the same testing shows that the signature by B0D589D46708EC99 is removed on all keys.
You mean this would be better becuase it is not clear how we handle X.509 addrsppec (see override_mbox arg of store_into_userid)? I guess COLLATE NOCASE does it the standard way by folding all uppercase characters and not just the ASCII characters as we do in GnuPG. This would be a problem.