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Nov 29 2022
Sure, but this will need adaption in FIPS mode as it fails with:
Patch using SHA1 instead of MD5.
There are other uses of MD5 and thus we can't disable it. For example gpgsm also lists the MD5 fingerprint of certificates because they are still in use at some places.
Done (STABLE-BRANCH-2-2.40 for now)
Yes, I'll do that. Thanks for the reminder.
Well, the modern way, recommended by the FSFE, for license notices in source files is SPDX instead of verbose license notices. https://reuse.software/
In T6285#165459, @gniibe wrote:Now, the use of AM_PATH_GPGME_PTHREAD shows warning. Also I update the documentation.
Pushed the change.
Now, the use of AM_PATH_GPGME_PTHREAD shows warning. Also I update the documentation.
Modern way for license notice seems use of URL: https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.html#License-Notices-for-Code
Nov 28 2022
Closing. Not a bug in pinentry. The user ID of the key is encoded incorrectly and pinentry just displays the incorrectly encoded user ID.
@ametzler1 Thanks a lot for your help.
Nov 27 2022
Something like this?
Nov 26 2022
Any comments on applying these to gnupg-2.2?
Nov 25 2022
In T6288#165435, @werner wrote:Bootstrapping is an issue. Recall that pkg-config is not a simple program but requires the use of glib (which depends on libffi, libmount, libpcre) - catch-22. Makes building GnuPG on AIX not actually easy.
Bootstrapping is an issue. Recall that pkg-config is not a simple program but requires the use of glib (which depends on libffi, libmount, libpcre) - catch-22. Makes building GnuPG on AIX not actually easy.
FWIW I would vote for a) "document gpgrt-config in detail" and suggest using pkg-config (variant) for direct invokations. There seems to be little benefit in investing effort/complicating gpgrt-config when pkg-config works fine.
It's irrelevant whether you can trick the combination of gpg and PowerShell to show the wrong encoded user ID correctly. The user ID is still encoded wrongly and every standard-compliant implementation of OpenPGP will show garbage when displaying the user ID.
Interestingly enough if I set LC_LCTYPE environment variable in powershell $env:LC_CTYPE = "C.UTF-8" - it behaves correctly and generates UTF-8 encoded names.
Looking at the hexdump of the user ID in the exported (and dearmored) public key this looks like a classic double-encoding problem, i.e. UTF-8 encoded UTF-8:
42 6A C3 83 C2 B8 72 6E ^^^^^^^^^^^
Just found out something weird - powershell tells me the default characterset is iso-8859-1
PS C:\Users\bbs> [System.Text.Encoding]::Default
okay, installed 2.2.29 and tried showkey:
C:\Users\bbs> gpg.exe --show-key D:\bbs_gpg.public.pgp pub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [SC] 0F20E48DEA9FD7A5626DBA0067BDA85044042E3B uid Bjørn Bouet Smith <bjornsmith@gmail.com> sub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [E]
This is now ready for testing.
https://gpg4win.org/download.html, but there isn't a Gpg4win release with GnuPG 2.2.29. The most recent Gpg4win 3.x has GnuPG 2.2.28. (All releases of Gpg4win 4.x include GnuPG 2.3.x.)
Yes, seems so. In either case, there's nothing we can do anything about since the versions provided by us appear to work correctly.
But it is strange that the version can show the characters correctly - so it can encode and decode to the same output.
On Linux, I also get garbled output for your key:
$ gpg --show-key <bbs_gpg.public.pgp pub rsa4096/67BDA85044042E3B 2022-11-06 [SC] 0F20E48DEA9FD7A5626DBA0067BDA85044042E3B uid Bjørn Bouet Smith <bjornsmith@gmail.com> sub rsa4096/08D7C29E12A34AD2 2022-11-06 [E]
This indicates that the user ID was encoded incorrectly by the gpg included in git when you created the key.
I am not sure if the export is correct - or if you need something else?
If I import the keys into gpgwin it shows up garbled - both in the console version of gpg.exe and Kleopatra, but if I run
gpg.exe -k
With the old gpg version it shows up as:
/c/Users/bbs/.gnupg/pubring.kbx ------------------------------- pub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [SC] 0F20E48DEA9FD7A5626DBA0067BDA85044042E3B uid [ultimate] Bjørn Bouet Smith <bjornsmith@gmail.com> sub rsa4096 2022-11-06 [E]
This is the key exported with:
gpg.exe --output D:\bbs_gpg.public.pgp --armor --export bjornsmith@gmail.com
In T6289#165411, @ikloecker wrote:How did you generate the key? On the command line? Which command line did you use? Can you attach the public key to this report?
It seems like gpgwin generates keys where the name are not compatible with each other.
How did you generate the key? On the command line? Which command line did you use? Can you attach the public key to this report?