Please send an excerpt from the scdaemon debug output to evaluate why you get somewhat strange looking data. Is this an experimental card? 0xa5 is a common test pattern.
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Sep 28 2024
Sep 27 2024
Yes, for historical reasons (i.e. we haven't changed this) the width of the name and email columns always defaults to 260.
tested with gpg4win-Beta50:
FWIW, a related task is T7308
With that patch we are down to about 6 seconds.
works, gpg4win-Beta-50
With no scd-event script, it might improve the situation
This is covered by T7302
Will do.
Alright, we should do that in any case because two key caches are never a good idea and in particualr not if one of them needs too be reloaded too often. Thus re-using the one in Kleopatra is the proper solution. I recall that we looked at this at a time when we already started to design gpgol2 which would solve the problem anyway. However, at least for vsd we need to keep on using the classic gpgol for quite some more time. Thus the effort to improve the key resolving in gpgol is really justified.
The problem is that this is a just a band aid at best. The underlying problem that shows up in other places is not fixed. We should apply the band aid only if we say we don't fix the underlying problem.
Here is my attempt:
Something which has high priority but has not been touch can't have a super high priority.
Please write at least a short description and give it a priority
Pretty brief description :-(
It is reproducible bug even with master branch.
Either this has super high priority or we fix S/MIME keylistings in GnuPG. I will write a mail with details as that involves customer information.
Sep 26 2024
V5 keys should now work as good as V4 keys in Kleopatra. For testing create a "Curve 448" key and then try a few things. Everything should just work because it works for gpg. Kleopatra doesn't really do anything special for V5 keys.
with gpg4win-Beta-50: "Rückstellcode" is shown correctly with an ü
with gpg4win-Beta-50: "Rückstellcode" is shown correctly with an ü
Done. I don't think this needs to be tested extensively because it's just some UI texts that now show the Key ID (with 16 hex chars) instead of the short Key ID (8 hex chars). And for files including key material we also use the Key ID (of primary key and/or subkey) now for the filenames, e.g. when exporting a public/secret key/subkey.
The change will also be included in VSD 3.3.
The version check can now be extended to 2.2.45 <= gpg < 2.3.0.
werner: Can you also backport listing of "default-new-key-adsk" with gpgconf so that Kleopatra can check whether a default ADSK is set?
Fixed. Ready for testing.
Backported for VSD 3.3.
The fix needs to be backported for VSD 3.3.
#0 0x00007ffff6643d10 in QAbstractItemView::selectionModel() const () at /lib64/ #1 0x00000000006fe608 in Kleo::KeyListController::Private::updateActions(KActionCollection*) (this=0x7fffe4005540, collection=0xdd7ae0) at /home/ingo/dev/kde/kleopatra/src/view/keylistcontroller.cpp:1141 #2 0x00007ffff51da593 in () at /lib64/ #3 0x00007ffff7ad2655 in Kleo::KeyCache::insert(std::vector<GpgME::Key, std::allocator<GpgME::Key> > const&) (this=<optimized out>, keys=<optimized out>) at /home/ingo/dev/kde/libkleo/src/models/keycache.cpp:1422 #4 0x00007ffff7ad3072 in Kleo::KeyCache::refresh(std::vector<GpgME::Key, std::allocator<GpgME::Key> > const&) (this=<optimized out>, keys=<optimized out>) at /home/ingo/dev/kde/libkleo/src/models/keycache.cpp:1255 #5 0x00007ffff7ad5968 in Kleo::KeyCache::RefreshKeysJob::Private::updateKeyCache() (this=0xc81ff0) at /home/ingo/dev/kde/libkleo/src/models/keycache.cpp:1566 [...]
I see only links to our own pages and to the emailselfdefense - which is a good resource.
Hmm, two years old - I doubt that it makes sense to continue here.
Priority lowered in the light of the the forthcoming gpgol.js
Should definitely work with gpg4win if it works with vsd.
A bit more verbose description would be helpful ...
Closing because POP3 is rarely used and has never been supported.
on gpg4win-Beta-50 things look much, much better.
More than a year old - we can reduce the priority.
Note: The code for this is in the work/mmontkowski branch but has not yet been merged with master. Before we take this bug up again, we need to look closer at the ribbon UI events as remarked by Andre on July 29.
That was resolved with vsd 3.2.0
The Libgcrypt version you are using has not been build from git or a released tarballs. Only with a released tarball you would get no suffix. With git bou will see a -betaNNNN suffix.
This is implemented; just missing the backport that is requested in T7302