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- User Since
- Mar 27 2017, 4:48 PM (413 w, 6 d)
- Availability
- Available
Feb 16 2018
Jan 10 2018
Dec 28 2017
We recieved another mail by a customer about this issue today:
Dec 19 2017
Sample Keys are now openly available at
Dec 6 2017
Nov 28 2017
Nov 22 2017
Thank you for your detailed report and the description for the reproducable setup! We will investigate in that issue!
So to get this straigt:
Nov 21 2017
by "just released" I mean: minutes before i wrote that comment. Since you mentioned gpg4win 3.0.0 in your post, I think you worked with the now old stable release.
This error doesn't seem to appear anymore in Version 3.0.1 and it doesn't exist anymore for me.
@cosimo193 ; gpg4win 3.0.1 just was released. May you check if this error still exists with that new version?
Since there was no action for half a year, I think this task can be closed.
@RockyMM Does this issue still persist with the newer Versions of Gpg4win, like 3.0.1?
@cdeibert, can you may check if this error still exists with the freshly released Version 3.0.1 of Gpg4win?
Unfortunately chocolaty is not managed by us and we don't have the knowledge about this. The Chocolaty Forums/Pages are the better place for this.
Hey @pkoevesdi, Gpg4win Version 3.0.1 was just released. Can you may download and install it and check if this issue still exists?
Hey @cprezalor, the new Gpg4win Version was just released. Can you please download it and check if this error still persists?
Hey, while installing the new Version for checking T3476, you may can check if this issue still persists as well?
@uwestoehr - Gpg4win 3.0.1 just hitted and tehre are several bugfixes including invoking kleopatra from the right-click menu. Can you please install the new version and check if the error still persists?
Version 3.0.1 just hitted. @madjari - may you can check if the various bugfixes in that version fixed your issue as well?
@simypat, version 3.0.1 just hitted. I can't recreate this error anymore. Can you verify this?
With the Release of Gpg4win 3.0.1 this error doesn't appear anymore for me while testing.
With the Release of Gpg4win 3.0.1 the Error doesn't appear anymore while testing with Windows 10 (64bit) with Outlook 2016 and Windows 7 (64bit) with Outlook 2010.
Nov 14 2017
Tested with Gpg4win-3.0.0-beta17 with GpgOL-2.0.2-beta8 on Windows 10 (64bit) with Outlook 2016.
I enabled the error and did the following with Gpg4win-3.0.0-beta17 with GpgOL-2.0.2-beta8 on Windows 7 (64bit) with Outlook 2010
Versions Used: Gpg4win-3.0.0-beta17 with GpgOL-2.0.2-beta8 on Windows 10 (64bit) with Outlook 2016.
Nov 7 2017
Oct 24 2017
I tried to melt it down to a specific beta release with which it isn't possible anymore to decrypt send emails.
Since this is a bug that is related to two different parts of the gpg4win package, this bug now only cares about the GpgOL Issue, that GpgOL crashes and cant decrypt messages from the sent folder that are encrypted with S/MIME. All File Based Issues are belonging to Kleopatra are documentet in the KDE Phabricator (
What Version of Windows do you use? If you use an older Windows (pre 7) please follow this guideline:
- Mails encrypted with S/MIME are stored with "No Data" in the sent EMail folder, but arrive properly at the recipients (you will recieve a readable copy, if you add yourself to the list of recipients). This Issue breaks the GpgOL Plugin after some time which is leading to the described Problem.
Oct 23 2017
- Files that are Signed and Encrypted to a S/MIME Certificate is broken. When you select a file and encrypt and sign it to a recipient, only a detached signature will be created and the Encrpyted file is missing. (Very similar to Issue 1, but file based).
Oct 19 2017
There is just another person experiencing the same problem with an Exchange based account on Win10pro x64, Outlook 2016 x86.
This sound like the issue described in
With that in place, I think there is no need to add them to the PATH.
So far we could recreate the following issues:
In what kind of problem should we run by adding it to the path?
The gpg4win 3.0 installer does not have the option to install documentation, therefore the docs are missing on purpose. This is done to lower the footprint of the installer, but they are of coursestill available via the homepage.
Additional report in
Oct 17 2017
There are more Logfiles:
Then this is a duplicate of T3442 as well! Thank you for you Logfiles and your report!
Oct 16 2017
Are those mails sent by GpgOL with Outlook or recieved? Can you explain your complete Workflow and state what software was used in it?
Can you relate to the issue described in the GPG4win Forums?
Duplicate of T3441.
What menus did you miss? Do you mean the right-click menus or kleopatra/gpa in the start menu?
You could try to use NO-MIME (or PGP/INLINE) instead of the OpenPGP/MIME standard. You can change the way of packaging your encrypted content in the GpgOL Addin Options.
Did you try to sign and encrypt with an X.509 or S/MIME key or with OpenPGP Key?
I added a Workaround in the Wiki:
I added the workaround in the Wiki: