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Fri, Feb 28
I have no idea how to test this aside from the test done in T7146.
Thu, Feb 27
The same effect seems to be happening on signatures made from expired keys.
In VSD 3.3.0 I can not check with "Rückstellcode" as the error message is now "Falsche PIN".
And the same in the released version Gpg4win 4.4.0.
Seems the gpg version now returns a different string:
No totally new install: I quit Kleopatra, then deleted %APPDATA%\kleopatra\kleopatrastaterc and %APPDATA%\gnupg and restarted Kleopatra. Then I imported the shown test certificate which has no expiry date.
I can't reproduce this. Was this with a fresh install or is it possible that there were existing column widths loaded from a state file?
Carl found some issue with this himself.
Checked again with VSD 3.3.0: no error any more. Therefore setting this to resolved, I probably made a mistake the last time.
works as described.
Closing this ticket after creation of two follow up tickets for the remaining issues.
Wed, Feb 26
The certificate can also be downloaded from https://www.bsi.bund.de/DE/Service-Navi/Kontakt/smime.html
New API gpgme_op_random_bytes is now in master (gpgme 2.0). Use tests/run-genrandom --help for testing. Extra features will come soon.
Please try again. This was due to a change in the RBL we use. Might be fixed now.
- This works now on Windows and with the AppImage. This was achieved by customizing the internal application name of Kleopatra: kleopatra-vsd for GnuPG VS-Desktop, kleopatra-gpd for GnuPG Desktop, kleopatra for everything else.
- As a side effect the different flavors of Kleopatra now use different names for the main config file and for the state file, i.e. Gpg4win uses kleopatrarc and kleopatrastaterc, GnuPG VS-Desktop will use kleopatra-vsdrc and kleopatra-vsdstaterc, and GnuPG Desktop will use kleopatra-gpdrc and kleopatra-gpdstaterc.
- The internal application name is also used for config entries retrieved from the registry. That means that for VSD and GPD different registry paths are used in future releases.
- Testing on Windows requires T7040: Make it possible to install GnuPG VSD and GPD in parallel.
Some remarks:
- All Kleopatras use GNUPGHOME/kleopatra for the config files, but they use different names for the main config file and for the state file, i.e. Gpg4win uses kleopatrarc and kleopatrastaterc, GnuPG VS-Desktop will use kleopatra-vsdrc and kleopatra-vsdstaterc, and GnuPG Desktop will use kleopatra-gpdrc and kleopatra-gpdstaterc. That's a side effect of the changes for T7528: Make it possible to run Kleopatra VSD and Kleopatra GPD in parallel where the internal application name is set to kleopatra, kleopatra-vsd or kleopatra-gpd for the different flavors.
- The Kleopatra configuration files are not migrated to the new location. (The group configuration should already have been migrated.)
By the way, this also works for different GNUPGHOME. Tested with a gpgconf.ctl file with content gnupg = gnupg-gpd next to gpgconf.exe.
Kleopatra now writes/reads all config files to/from GNUPGHOME/kleopatra.
VSD 3.3.0:
Tue, Feb 25
The button for "Encrypt to others" is gone:
Looks like scdaemon which I experienced today also but without having enabled scdaemon logging.