Ok, I'm not asked, therefore I set this to done, but not resolved yet, as I'm not sure if the gpg version might have an influence.
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Fri, Dec 6
Gpg4win 4.4:
Contrary to the task description are:
a) In the certifications tab the "tags" column is shown by default
b) in the UID tab, the "origin" column is shown by default (only the "tags" column is hidden)
This ticket description does not give me anything to test.
tested with Gpg4win 4.4
tested with Gpg4win 4.4
This issue looks still the same from the user perspective as in the task description with Gpg4win 4.4. Therefore tagging it for gpd5x
Thu, Dec 5
Better a new ticket for the rest, see T7441
Tue, Dec 3
Tested Gpg4win 4.4:
Interesting, when you search for the UID, it looks as before, with the green check mark:
Closing this as duplicate of T7405. That ticket has the better task description as it was made after discussing offline how it could best be done.
closing this as duplicate for the improvement part, the support part is solved, anyway.
I think you are right, it is fixed. I tried it now again with Gpg4win 4.4 with several cards and it works as you describe.
Mon, Dec 2
Christoph refers to this post here:
This ticket is obsolete
Gpg4win 4.4:
When a keyserver is configured you can now check a box to directly upload the revocation there.
If no keyserver is configured, this is correctly not offered. Instead it is exported to the Documents folder, like the dialog informs,
Tue, Nov 26
with Gpg4win-Beta-94: about that speed on Windows, too.
Could be a bit more refined in the future, but this would be for another ticket.
Gpg4win-Beta-94: does not work here, but as the workaround still works, we have no regression. So I remove the vsd33 + gpgcom tag
Gpg4win-Beta-94: ok
Gpg4win-Beta-94: done
Gpg4win-Beta-94: works
Gpg4win-Beta-94: works
With Gpg4win-Beta-94 now all is fine, even own deactivated certificates are now shown (using the "Disabled" filter) in bold font
Fixed in Gpg4win-Beta-94
Mon, Nov 25
Well, T6893 was removed from this release, at least for the windows builds, therefore it can not be tested on windows for vsd33
The certificates are shown
Yes, much improved, changes as described in https://dev.gnupg.org/T6933#181791
tested with Gpg4win-Beta-75++
Nov 22 2024
Checked with Gpg4win-Beta-75++
It works, technically.
But for this to work you have to put the keyword "qual" at the end of the line of the system trustlist.txt file, the user trustlist.txt won't work. Example line:
Nov 21 2024
Cancelling the password window works know.
With gpg4win-beta-75++ tryiing to import a secret key results in no import:
Error on generate keys on card is now: "Failed to generate new card keys and a certificate: Wrong PIN"
Tested with gpg4win-Beta-75++:
works in Gpg4win-Beta-75++
works with Gpg4win-Beta-75++
tested with Gpg4win-Beta-75++
Yeah, it's a dilemma. How about if we use the narrower formatting everywhere only starting from 6 or 7 words in the English string? Or some count of characters?
Nov 20 2024
Nov 19 2024
I suggest to make the following text changes for the VSD versions only: